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SOON token roadmap on the Everscale blockchain

SOON Token

SOON is a TIP-3/Broxus type meme token on the Everscale blockchain.

Main details
Address 0:A88B380064DAD1520F09E6ED1162CE79272503A6D443FC938FAEAABD135C294D
Total supply Final issuance of the token will depend on the Crowdsale conducted
Decimals 4

Token issuance will be allocated as follows:

  • 10% of SOON token issuance will be allocated to Crowdsale (with a lead time of 2 to 6 months, according to Crowdsale terms)
  • 10% of SOON issuance will be allocated to marketing
  • 10% of SOON issuance will be allocated to rewarding SOON Alliance members (on a 1 year listing)
  • 40% of SOON issuance to be allocated to liquidity pools
  • 30% of SOON issuance will be blocked in farming


Crowdsale in the amount of 10% of the total SOON token issue will be held from 15.12.2021 0:00 UTC to 19.12.2021 24:00 UTC

SOON Alliance guarantees that in the pool at the start 1 SOON = $1.5

Declare a 5-day Crowdsale.

On the first day of collection we sell 1 SOON for $0.8
On the second day, 1 SOON already costs $0.9
On third $1
On fourth $1.1
On fifth $1.2

All SOON tokens sold will be vested to eliminate the risk of dumping in the liquidity pool.

Crowdsale day Cost of 1 SOON Vesting
15.12.2021 $0.8 6 months
16.12.2021 $0.9 5 months
17.12.2021 $1 4 months
18.12.2021 $1.1 3 months
19.12.2021 $1.2 2 months

We explain why this is the case. Based on how many coins the "User" will buy on Crowdsale for $100.

On the first day it might be 125 SOON And on the fifth day it might be only 83.3333 SOON

So, in order to minimize the risks, with more issuance in the market and a lower SOON token price, the first day should have the maximum vesting per month than the fifth day.

Fundraising will take place in USDT token (TIP3/Broxus) to the SOON Alliance multi-signature wallet address


The results of the Crowdsale will be summarized in a video format 20.12.2021 in @EverBroadcast

Also, the final SOON token issue will be designated and issued, the Root owner will be transferred to the uncontrolled "Black hole" smart contract, and system tokens will be created and distributed to Crowdsale members for vesting.

⚠️ Participation in the Crowdsale is prohibited for residents of the United States and residents of Singapore.

Token issuance

Issuing a token issue, given that all tokens sold on Crowdsale equal 10% of the total issue.

Creating multi-signature SOON Alliance wallet

Create a multi-signature SOON Alliance wallet, to manage the SOON token and conduct votes.

Rewards for SOON Alliance members

Allocate 10% of SOON tokens, of the total issue, with a 1-year vesting period, to reward SOON Alliance members, in equal shares.

Allocation tokens for marketing

Allocate 10% of SOON tokens for media campaigns to distribute SOON token. (Promotions, advertising, contests, airdrop)

Liquidity pool and farming

Allocate 40% of the SOON token issue to liquidity pooling.

Allocate 30% of the SOON token issue to the creation of farming in liquidity pools.

Allocate 60 EVER to the creation of system tokens for vesting (5 EVER for each token)

Allocate 60 EVER to create pairs of system tokens on tonswap.io to create vesting.

Allocate 100 EVER to pay transaction fees.

Liquidity pool creation

Create a liquidity pool paired with USDT (TIP-3/Broxus) on tonswap.io at a ratio of 1 SOON / $1.5 to USDT tokens received during Crowdsale

The first thing the SOON Alliance will do after creating the SOON/USDT pool is to send its LP tokens to the unmonitored "Black Hole" smart contract

SOON token Root

SOON token control will be transferred to the Black Hole smart contract address, to prevent a new SOON token issue from entering the market.

Black hole: -1:EFD5A14409A8A129686114FC092525FDDD508F1EA56D1B649A3A695D3A5B188C

Collaboration with non-WhiteList tokens from Broxus

Collaboration with tokens not from Broxus WhiteList is possible if these tokens meet a number of conditions:

  1. the token must not meet the criteria of an exit scam.
  2. the token must have a TVL on tonswap.io of at least $10,000.
  3. token must have at least one pairing with a Broxus WhiteList token.

SOON token TVL > $100 000

The primary goal of SOON Alliance, to successfully grow and strengthen the position of SOON token is to get the TVL of the token above $100,000

Listing on tonswap.io in WhiteList

Conditions for getting SOON token on Broxus' WhiteList:

  1. The project website must exist, be available more than 90% of the time and consistently explain the essence of the project to potential and existing users and investors;
  2. Contact information for the project must be current and the team's response time must not exceed two business days;
  3. The project must create a pool of liquidity for its token to pair with WTON (at least) and ensure that the amount of WTON in the pool at all times exceeds the equivalent of $100k;
  4. The project must openly publish its sources (including smart contracts) on GitHub and verify all smart contracts with relevant blockchain researchers (tonscan.io, etherscan.io, bscscan.com, etc.);
  5. The project token must comply with the TIP-3/Broxus standard.

SOON Alliance

SOON Alliance is a group of early SOON token holders who received their tokens through AirDrop and have come together to jointly promote the SOON token.

Token creator:

Telegram Wallet address
@andrew_vinter 0:0ab4b5311b2bfadf881b2937d1aefd883df96a89f6404795c6ba3d844c9a3980

SOON Alliance multi-signature wallet address:

Telegram Wallet address
SOON Alliance 0:5c906a04946cec99de9bae1ca0bf041e441f44684c75c31bcb5974b480805fa2

SOON Alliance members:

Telegram Wallet address
@andrew_vinter 0:0ab4b5311b2bfadf881b2937d1aefd883df96a89f6404795c6ba3d844c9a3980
@SOKOL491 0:cd26b47ebf79788924a057c39efd639107c3ad18b5de67bf5f3eb14812214433
@sgorbunovv 0:115cf44f0fcb2b5ae8b954ed4687c084f70870451a04acdd2234137ad7cc3039
@Archi_One_89 0:771611e8854ad84a95412506bcf8e7548ce48f6a7ecdfcb9ff261507b8e0f1c6
@STRnhVS 0:ad993c731e1791d8fcf9cf77c413b7dd16959a7bbb3a5ca386f4183dff1113b1
@krasnodar_sky 0:d0ee75e8ac94d735a9bb553b68b7ccb141237646bf9529098663443724f54f19
@tontikiton 0:34c169f99c6a8a1d2d290e5e50ed074f1faeb339a6fc4a3cdd647659335d9820
@Angel_108 0:076c72e3ff6473d1b16edbb1bcec596f4be6f86c3f8845339d717d9f32e33bea

The personal assets of the individual SOON Alliance members are their property and they have the right to dispose of them as they see fit.

Funds in the SOON Alliance multi-signature wallet are the property of the SOON Alliance. Funds are managed by a vote of all SOON Alliance members.


Telegram chat - @soon_chat

Telegram channel - @SOONtoken

Twitter - @SOON_token