
Primarily a browser extension that monitors your latest submission to problems and displays appropriate GIFs so that you don't have to keep checking the submissions tab.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GifForces is a browser extension that works with Codeforces.com

If you are a regular user of codeforces you would have noticed that sometimes it takes quite a long time for them to judge your submission. Why stare at the submission's page till then? Let the extension check the result of your last submission while you continue to solve problems. Additionally, celebrate your ACs with apt gifs.

This extension comes in handy during contests where time is crucial. However it works even during practice sessions and virtual contests.

Once you enter your handle on the popup page and make a submission, the extension starts working. When you make a new submission, the extension starts checking if the result is ready. Once ready, it displays the verdict on all codeforces pages. It also shows the problem name and a suitable gif reaction to the verdict. Once you've acknowledged the result, you can close the gif on one tab and gifs on all tabs will be closed automatically.


Notification GIF with verdict


Now available for download from Firefox Addons

If you wish to install the extension for Google Chrome download this repository and add it manually to chrome.