
Primary LanguageJavaScript


BUG upload multiple images

E-commerce application run with ruby on rails.


  • Ruby version : ruby 2.3.1p112

  • System dependencies : /

##Initialize application

####In the parent directory

git clone https://github.com/SolalDR/Sock-It.git

####In the directory Sock-It run

bundle install

####Install devise In secrets.yml, put

  devise_secret_key: my_secret_key_here

####Install stripe To install the stripe gem

gem install netrc -v '0.11.0'
gem install domain_name -v '0.5.20161129'

To create stripe account, click here In config/secrets.yml, add API keys get after your stripe's registration. To get the API key follow this tutorial after logged in

    stripe_publishable_key: pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    stripe_secret_key:  sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

####Run the server

rails s

#####Create and migrate

If database doesn't exist :

rails db:create

####In the directory Sock-It run

bundle install

####Run the server

rails s

#####Create and migrate

If database doesn't exist :

rails db:create

If migration are pending :

rails db:migrate

To load the seeds :

rails db:seed

Now you can login : Email => admin@admin.com Password => adminpass

##How To Commit

After work :

git stash
git pull
git stash apply
git add .
git commit -m "Your message goes here"
git push