
How smooth scroll should be

Primary LanguageJavaScript



🚧 Still in WIP, API might change with new releases 🚧

This is our take on smooth scroll, lightweight, hard working, smooth as butter scroll. See Demo


  • Performant
  • Lightweight (~2Kb gzipped)
  • Run scroll in main thread
  • Accessibility (CMD+F page search, keyboard navigation, keep scroll position on page refresh, etc.)
  • External RAF
  • SSR proof
  • Not opinionated
  • Tree-shakeable
  • Custom scroll easing/duration

Feature Locomotive-scroll GSAP ScrollSmoother Lenis
Native scrollbar ❌ βœ… βœ…
Native scroll inputs ❌ βœ… ❌
Normalize scroll experience βœ… ❌ βœ…
Accessibility ❌ ❌ βœ…
CSS Sticky ❌ ❌ βœ…
IntsersectionObserver ❌ ❌ βœ…
Open source βœ… ❌ βœ…
Built-in animation system βœ… βœ… ❌
Size (gzip) 12.33KB 26.08KB 2.13kb


using package manager:

$ npm i @studio-freight/lenis

using scripts:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/studio-freight/lenis@latest/bundled/lenis.js"></script>


Basic setup

import Lenis from '@studio-freight/lenis'

const lenis = new Lenis({
  duration: 1.2,
  easing: (t) => Math.min(1, 1.001 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)), // https://www.desmos.com/calculator/brs54l4xou
  direction: 'vertical', // vertical, horizontal
  gestureDirection: 'vertical', // vertical, horizontal, both
  smooth: true,
  mouseMultiplier: 1,
  smoothTouch: false,
  touchMultiplier: 2,
  infinite: false,

//get scroll value
lenis.on('scroll', ({ scroll, limit, velocity, direction, progress }) => {
  console.log({ scroll, limit, velocity, direction, progress })

function raf(time) {


Using custom scroll container

const lenis = new Lenis({
  wrapper: NodeElement, // element which has overflow
  content: NodeElement, // usually wrapper's direct child

Instance settings

Option Type Default Description
wrapper NodeElement window Default element which has overflow
content NodeElement document wrapper's direct child
duration number 1.2 Specifies the duration of the animation
easing function (t) => Math.min(1, 1.001 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) Specifies the rate of change of a specific value, our default is custom but you can pick one from Easings.net
direction string vertical vertical or horizontal scrolling.
gestureDirection string vertical vertical, horizontal or both.
smooth boolean true Enable or disable 'smoothness'
mouseMultiplier number 1 This value is passed directly to Virtual Scroll
smoothTouch boolean false Enable or disable 'smoothness' while scrolling using touch. Note: We have disabled it by default because touch devices native smoothness is impossible to mimic
touchMultiplier number string This value is passed directly to Virtual Scroll
infinite boolean false Enable infinite scrolling!

Instance Methods

Method Description Arguments
raf(time) Must be called every frame for internal usage.
scrollTo(target,{offset, duration, easing, immediate}) Scroll to a target. target: can be Number, NodeElement or String (CSS selector).
offset : Number equivalent to scroll-padding-top.
duration : Number scroll duration in seconds.
easing : Function.
immediate : ignore duration and easing.
on(id,callback({scroll,limit,velocity,direction})) id can be any of the following instance events to listen.
stop() To pause the scroll
start() To resume the scroll
destroy() To destroy the instance and remove all events.

Instance Events

Event Callback Arguments
scroll scroll: returns scroll position.
limit: returns scroll limit.
velocity: returns scroll velocity.
direction: returns 1 or -1.


Things to consider if you want to add Lenis to your codebase will be listed here.

Make sure scroll-behavior is set to initial or not set at all (thanks @thagxt)

html {
  scroll-behavior: initial;

Keep html and body elements default sized (see this issue)

body {
  width: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;

Use data-lenis-prevent attribute on nested scroll elements. In addition, we advice you to add overscroll-behavior: contain on this element.

<div data-lenis-prevent>scroll content</div>

Manually use lenis.scrollTo('#anchor') on anchor link click (see this issue)

<a href="#anchor" onclick="lenis.scrollTo('#anchor')">scroll to anchor</a>


  • no support of CSS scroll-snap
  • erase browser previous and next trackpad gestures
  • can only run 60fps maximum on Safari (source)



Lenis in use


This set of hooks is curated and maintained by the Studio Freight Darkroom team:


The MIT License.