Invoice Manager

Invoice module for AllianceAuth with simplicity and extendability in mind.

Included Bits and Bobs:

  • Simple Invoice Model
    • Assigned to Character
    • Due Dates
    • Invoice Ref used for tracking payments
    • Notifications
  • Simple task for checking for payments

The ToDo List:

  • Make Payment Corp selectable at invoice level
  • Add the Open info in game from SRP-Mod


  1. this app is built as a sub module of corptools, please install this first.
  2. Install the app pip install -U allianceauth-invoices
  3. Add 'invoices', to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects
  4. run migrations, collect static and restart auth
    • python migrate invoices
    • python collectstatic
    • supervisorctrl restart all
  5. go go the following address to set up default cron tasks AUTH ADDRESS/invoice/admin_create_tasks/
  6. setup your perms as documented below
  7. add characters and corp tokens as required
  8. Setup update tasks if you wish for the data to be auto updated. See Usage Below.


  1. Install the app pip install -U allianceauth-invoices
  2. run migrations, collect static and restart auth
    • python migrate invoices
    • python collectstatic
    • supervisorctrl restart all

Set Corp ID

Add the below lines to your settings file, Changing the contexts to yours.

## Settings for Invoice Manager
PAYMENT_CORP = 123456789

You can optionally se the name of the app in the ui by setting this setting

## name for Invoice Manager
INVOICES_APP_NAME = "Invoices Pay Now!"


There are some basic access perms

Admin perms are filtered by main character, if a person has neutral alts loaded their invoices will also be visible to someone who can see their main.

Perm Admin Site Perm Description
access_invoices nill Can Access the Invoice App. Generic Access perm to show the Invoice menu option
view_all nill Can View All Invoices. Superuser level access
view_alliance nill Can View Own Alliances Invoices. Alliance only level access
view_corp nill Can View Own Corps Invoices. Corp restricted level access

Notification Settings

You can disable the notifications generated by this app for either discord or auth by setting the following to false the defaults are True

## No Auth Notifications

## No Discord Notifications