
Linux CLI notifier with user interactions using libnotify and zenity.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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terminal-notifier port for linux using libnotify and zenity.

This project has been deprecated.

In order to continue working on this, I decided to move away from Python code and respin the project in C++, allowing me closer collaboration with the libnotify libraries. But I also moved away from Python as I couldn't get the job done reliably because of the mess of dependancies that surround Python and GTK+. This is a total disaster for anyone that wants to not build a full fledged app, but only use part of the libraries that GTK+ offers. Having to use system dependencies where pip/pipenv is fully capable is disappointing.
I was comfortable writing in Python but it looks like I'll be pushed out of it to continue this project.

The repo will stay for prosperity and history (hah); but the project is now actively developped at SolarLiner/libnotify-terminal-cpp.



This allows you to "fire and forget" notifications.

--app-title <application-title> sets the application title (TODO)

--title <title> sets the notification title

--body <body> sets the notification body

--subtitle <subtitle> inserts text before the notification body (provided for completeness)

--icon <path/generic-name> sets the icon to either a path or a generic name for display next to the notification content.

Note: only --body is required.

Add actions

This allows you to add buttons to the notification.

--action <name>,<label> adds the button shown as <label>, and libnotify-terminal will pipe <name>, if clicked, through stdout.

Note: Only one button can be clicked, as the notification closes after.

Reply mode

On top of adding action, you can add the possibility to reply.

--reply sets the reply mode. In this mode, if the user clicks "Reply", libnotify-terminal will spawn a zenity entry dialog, and will pipe the entered text through stdout.

--reply-to <contact> sets the name of the contact the user is replying to.

--reply-message <message> sets the sent message, displayed in the zenity dialog box.

Note: Neither --reply-to or --reply-message is required. Generic messages will be substitued. --reply-message is kept separate from --body for customization purposes - or privacy, whichever you end up choosing.



libnotify-terminal is written with python2.7 and requires the following packages:

  • make
  • python-gobject
  • python-notify2


Head over to the releases page and download the latest source code.

Or clone the repo:

  • the master branch follows more or less the releases versions. It is kept this way to show the stable version with the binary that they use.
  • the staging branch is the latest code version that "works" (that is, should normally fire notifications). However don't expect stability or promises kept there.
  • the develop branch... don't download it for compilation, unless you're a masochist (which, I mean, I'm okay, but here... 😶)


  • $ make && sudo make install
  • make test (optional) tests for successful installation. If this fails, try make test-compile to see if it compiled successfully.