NW.js + Svelte Template

This is a template built to handle the nitty-gritty parts of running a desktop app, and lets you write your app.

Using the template

Simply clone or click "Use this template" button to get a copy of this repo.

Include your code in src/App.svelte.

Then run yarn start and the script will download the NW.js binary and open a window with your code (may take several seconds for first build).

You'll see Hello (platform)! in the center.

Happy coding!


  • yarn start

Starts a file watcher and launches the app with live code reload.

  • yarn build

Builds your app and moves it into the NW.js folder to be packaged.

  • yarn launch

Launches the app. Note: yarn build should be ran before this as it'll use the default NW.js index.html.


  • src/

Your project's main files, using Svelte!

  • public/

Any assets you'd like to include without using Javascript, reference.


@Solaris9 Creator

@abby-1b Creator