This is the public repo for my personal website, currently deployed at http://lessand.ro/
my website is actually a full-stack web-app deployed on Heroku built with Flask and Postgresql, I will try to follow best practices in TDD, unit-testing and CICD and eventually even using SLOs and SLIs
To run locally tests and coverage run
pytest tests --cov=./ --cov-report html
open htmlcov/index.html
To run locally the app (you need to have credentials)
heroku local web
To deploy to heroku
git push heroku master
You should also export a local variable with the location of the local PostrgreSQL database with the following syntax
export DATABASE_URL="dbname='localdb'"
First Iteration
- design of the website
- UI/UX prototype
- system design
- deployment on my local machine of the backbone
- deployment on heroku of the backbone
- set up CICD routines
- integrate UI/UX on the backbone
- clean up the github repo
- finish first iteration deploying website and start write content
Second Iteration
- manke jinja render html so I can write html here
- fix Issue #1
- fix styling on the left and also fonts/dimensions/buttons
- write an about page
- add social links and add twitter
- add email
- make https work
- make base domain without www
- fix on SAFARI there is no sticky and rendered badly
- fix mobile version
- figure out how to manage images for blog posts (ugly)
- build/integrate Google analytics
- set up template from https://github.com/gfidente/pelican-svbhack
- add meta-descriptions and title to articles
- improve writing interface