
client for alex's second brain v2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SecondBrain v2 Client

how this looks like

repurposed old game repo to be client of second brain

yarn dev

Hacktorio -> Live Demo

Hacktorio is Factorio for hackers.

Grow your railway by programming trains in the Chrome dev console!


Strict abstraction barriers between each domain (Graph, GameObjects, Geometry, ...)

See Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs, Abstraction Barriers

Here are some ideas for how the game architecture works (that's not a complete architecture, just the patterns being used)

Here is some pseudocode to lay down these ideas

**main scene**

// knows how to speak the graph language, called by the UI
- constructor():
	events = GraphEvents.get();
    events.on(GraphEvents.SELECT-NODE-EVENT, this.onNodeSelected, this)

- newNode(x, y):
	geometries = [];
    gameObjects = [new Controller(x, y)];
	graph = Graph.get()
    graph.addNode(new Node(geometries, gameObjects));

- newEdge(firstNode, secondNode)
    let curve = new curveToRender();
	geometries = [curve, new curveToTest()];
    gameObjects = [new TopRailway(curve), new BottomRailway(curve), new ShadowRailway(curve)];
	graph = Graph.get()
	graph.addEdge(new Edge({firstNode, secondNode}, geometries, gameObjects);

- onNodeSelected(node: Node)
	this.newEdge(node, cursor)


GraphEvents //singleton, static methods
- public readonly NODE-CONTROLLER-DAG
- public readonly SELECT-NODE-EVENT
- public selectedEdge: Edge
- static get

- public readonly CURVE-BROKEN
- static get

Graph // singleton
- constructor
	events = GraphEvents.getEmitter()
    events.on(GraphEvents.CONTROLLER-NODE-DRAG, this.onNodeControllerDrag, this)

- onNodeControllerDrag(x, y, valid):
    node.getEdges.curves.forEach(curve => curve.updateControlPoints(x, y, valid))

- addEdge(edge: Edge, where)
	graphology.addEdge(where, edge: edge)
- addNode(node: Node, where)
	graphology.addNode(where, node: node)

- static get

- gameObjects = Array<GameObjectsOnGraph>
- geometries = Array<GeometryOnGraph>
- constructor(gameObjects, geometries)
- select():
	emitter = GraphEvents.getEmitter()
    emitter.emit(GraphEvents.SELECT-NODE-EVENT, this)
- controllerDrag():
	emitter = GraphEvents.getEmitter()
    emitter.emit(GraphEvents.NODE-CONTROLLER-DRAG, this)

- gameObjects = Array<GameObjectsOnGraph>
- geometries = Array<GeometryOnGraph>
- constructor({firstNode, secondNode}, gameObjects, geometries):
- select():
	[this.firstNode, this.secondNode].forEach(
		node => node.gameObjects.forEach(
			gameObjects => gameObject.select()
        gameObjects => gameObjects.select())

- parentGraphElement: Edge || Node
- update: function

- parentGraphElement: Edge || Node

Railway implements GameObjectOnEdge.interface
- buildlingGroup
- onclick():
- select
- deselect

ShadowRailway extends Railway
- select
	display = true
- deselect
	display = false

ControllerHandle extends Image
- parentController
- parentNode
- onDrag(x, y)
	this.parentNode.controllerMoved(x, y, this.parentController.dragValid)

Controller implements GameObjectOnNode.interface extends Phaser.Group
- center: Phaser.Image
- left: ControllerHandle(this)
- right: ControllerHandle(this)
- dragValid: boolean = true
- constructor:
	events = GeometryEvents.get()
	events.on(GeometryEvents.CURVE-INVALID, {this.error(true); this.dragValid = false})
	events.on(GeometryEvents.CURVE-VALID, {this.error(false); this.dragValid = true})

- error(value: boolean = false)
	 tint(value ? white : red)
- center.onclick
- select
- deselect


Curve extend Phaser.Bezier
- updateControlPoints
CurveForRender extend Curve
- updateControlPoints(x, y, valid)
	if not valid: return
CurveForTest extend Curve
- emitter = CurveEvents.get()
- updateControlPoints(x, y, valid)
    if ( this.checkBreaksDistance or  this.checkBreaksCurvature)

- checkBreaksDistance
- checkbreaksCurvature

Dev Workflow

  1. Make a new branch the new feature you are building in the ugliest/fastes way possible writing stuff in the main scene without adding files
  2. Check if what you are seeing is good
  3. Abandon your branch, check out master
  4. Rewrite everything in small file <100 lines, functional, typed, and tested
  5. Make small commits of every change.
  6. Optional: pack all commits for a given feature in a PR so that when we ask "how does that feature work?" we just look at the PR
yarn dev

Stretch: listen to bach while coding

// git
git commit --allow-empty  (feature ideas descriptions)
git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all

// code format
npx prettier --write .

// docs
npx tplant -i src/game.ts -o ./imgs/architecture.svg && open ./imags/architecture.svg

// refactoring
rg "\{ Edge \}" -l | xargs sed -i '' 's/graph\/edge/graph\/graphobjects\/edge/g'
rg "AbstractRailway" -l | xargs sed -i '' 's/AbstractRailway/BaseRailway/g'