
Drei-Eimer (3 buckets) is a Take home Exercise where you try to fill a bucket based on ambiguous rules 🐈

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Drei Eimer (Three buckets)

This project is a take home excercise, and this page is my take on the problem, I focused on my forte, and even tought not all of the planned functionality made it, due to time constrains; I feel like it looks cool enough to be on the interwebs.

tech inside

  • 📦 Parcel
  • 🌺 Prettier
  • 📝 EsLint
  • 💅 Styled Components
  • 💄 Sass!
  • 🐉 fontAwesome for React
  • ⚛️ React with hooks.

How to run it

1: npm install 2: npm start

that's it

🔧 WIP 🔧

this features are not quite ready, but they were planned in my original solution

  • Navigation: Using HooksRouter the scaffolding of buttons is there but right now they serve only as showcase/demo/scaffolding of things to come
  • Customize Challange: I did the data structuring necesary to make the challange customizable, given some simple rules, such as always having a < c < b, in a form, customize the capacity of the buckets, the data structures are there, and the components work flexibily with what they have.
  • Improve Accessibility: it doesn't adhere to modern A11y standards yet, need to fix.
  • use an API: eventually, the idea would be to support the app with an API, so you can grab previously stored "custom challanges" or remember between devices which was the last step/challange.
  • Iron Mobile Visual Bugs: some things break on mobile, however, the things that do, are very easily fixed in Sass, however time did not allow this kind of bugfixing

Finished Features

Animated Gradient hero image that looks very sassy

Animated gradient hero image

I tried to polish the design as much as possible in the time frame, Animated Hero Images and Gradients are very cool right now, I think it makes quite the first impression, and its super easy to do too!

lets look at the source code...

its technically not possible to directly animate gradients, so instead we make the background huge and move it with a simple animation, im using a combination of styled components and complementing animations on Sass, Styled comps takes care of all possible class colissions. while Sass allows me to quickly prototype animations globally.

  0% {
    background-position: 0% 50%;
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 50%;
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 50%;
.Hero {
  animation: gradientBG 40s ease infinite;

Consistent Styling and pretty user interactions / components.

I took insprition from CssTricks, and applied some of their advanced techniques to the page and the elements. button showcase

Display a previous Solution / buid new.

the Solution component can react to displaying a previously made solution or allow the user to build one, depending on the props it receives.

this is an example of how the component renders the steps, note that it is very visual, the icons respond to the status of the buckets, but this can improve further.


this is an example of how the component reacts to building a new solution. just as before, i tried to do it as user friendly and visual as possible in the time I was given, in this case, the card is a form.


The field for Origin only displays when its needed, such as in the TRANSFER action.


Error and Success Reporting on UI

the app lets you know when you make a mistake, as well as when you finish the challange.



Closing tougths

I really enjoyed working on this excercise, I really want to finish my planned features and keep working on the site's design and User Experience. I hope it was to your liking as well 🐈