
Redux tutorial to-do list

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Boilerplate

this project is intended to be used as a quick star, pre-configured stack of tech for my own prototypes, but feel free to use it if you find it usefull.

tech inside

  • 📦 Parcel
  • 🌺 Prettier
  • 📝 EsLint
  • 💅 Styled Components
  • 🐉 fontAwesome for React

Configured to work properly with each other and support Accessibility standards. it also contains the following commands, they can be run using npm run

  • "format": runs prettier
  • "format: check": checks prettier formatring
  • "lint": runs the linter on src/*/** any js or jsx files
  • "test": runs tests (currently no tests specified)
  • "dev": runs dev server on index.html


the boilerplate includes a demo showcasing a simple card with a hover animation using styled components. demo