🐺 Solenasth's Ui Engineer application 🐺

please consider hiring me 😛

I had a lot of fun doing this project, it is refreshing to see a dev excercise that is planned, well structured and includes all the tools I need.

Kudos! for that.

viewing the project


  • clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/Solenasth/salesloft-ui-engineer-exercise.git
  • Install dependencies $ npm i
  • Run the tests $ npm test
  • Start the application $ npm start
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/

Tools Used

  • vanilla react
  • vanilla css3 ( 💜)
  • BEM
  • react-testing-library
  • a lot of js

Dev comements

  • You will notice that the placeholder panels have semi-random heights. this is just to simulate the diferent heights they could have, I assume they would all be filed.

  • After a long time using sass and scss, I recently rediscovered the power of css3, and I've been trying to use it whenever possible. so no pre-processors where used.

  • This project was completed using only 'vanilla' tools. so I also didn't use any npm's or external libraries for components like tab navigation for example.

  • BEM best practices get a little bit weird when a block is inside another block, so I tried to adhere as best as possible.

  • I wanted to make a secondary version using styled components. But instead I decided to use the time to add more tests and more polish. maybe later I will.

  • I tried to make components as extendible as possible, I hope components like Tabs, Panel, etc. give an idea of the direction I wanted to take.

  • I don't know all the posible permutations of (what i call) event cards. so you will notice that the whole logic for content variation is charged in that component instead of making it generic.

  • the layout is an interesting proyect on it's own, it looks a little bit like a Masonry (a la Pinterest). I tried replicating something Close to it, but again, this sort of layouts are often complete projects on their own.

Posible further improvements.

AKA: What would I do if I had another weekend.

  • Figure out a proper Masonry style layout for the panels, instead of doing it with grid and flexbox.
  • Add easter eggs
  • Replace the tab highlight with an animated element that changes size depending on the tab title.
  • Make an alternate version using Styled Components.
  • Add other misc. animations like spinners for loading.
  • Add more tests for the rest of the compoments.

A note on safari < 14.1

during this proyect I used the "gap" property. however earlier safari versions do not support it. Unfortunately, Safari kinda supports gap in grid, so the standard practice of checking for @supports also does not work.

This is one of those weird cases where there is no easy CSS-only solution. for this reason please use version 14.1+ when reviewing in safari.

That's it

thank you for your time 💜