
Blender Addon for fixing Gothic World after importing it using KrxImpExp

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Gothic Tweaker

Blender Addon for fixing Gothic World after importing it using KrxImpExp
Tested for Gothic 2 only! You may encounter some problems if you use it with Gothic 1



  1. Download GothicTweaker.zip
  2. Use Install an Addon from Blender Preferences or just extract to ..Blender[version]\[version]\scripts\addons


Press N and find Gothic Tweaker tab on the right


  • Clean Collision: This will remove all collision and sun blocker faces and their materials
  • Rename Material Slots: Renames all Material Slots to the name of their Texture file and cleans all duplicates
  • Rename All Meshes: This will rename all meshes in .blend file by their material name. Assuming that you have split mesh by material otherwise, it will use the first material index as the name
  • Apply Alpha: This will fix Alpha on the Trees, Water, Flags, etc. This should be used if KrxImpExp didn't fix it on the import or you want to apply opacity to Gothic 2 water bodies
  • Float parameter: Disabled = -1. Opacity that will be added to Gothic 2 Water. Don't use it for Gothic 1 it will probably not work or will work partially only


  • I have extensively used Material Utilities addon that comes with Blender to clean and merge materials
  • This Addon was used to clean an exported .zen world with all VOBs. The guide can be found here
  • There is an old alternative that can be found here