
Tic Tac Toe in FileMaker

MIT LicenseMIT


A while back I thought it would be fun to challenge someone learning how to develop custom apps in FileMaker with a simple request: build an app to play tic tac toe. That’s it. That is all the direction given. The ambiguity and lack of direction is part of the challenge.

Everyone knows what tic tac toe is, and everyone knows the rules which are fairly simple…it’s not chess. However, there could be a thousand different ways to approach solving the challenge. Do you need to build a backend with tables? Should it be single player or multi-player? How many layouts and scripts are needed? Do you use make use of card windows or sliders or popovers? The list of possibilities goes on and on.

This is not completely unlike some of the challenges developers face every day when dealing with custom software development. You get a request from a client for feature “x” and there are many different ways to make it, so this is a useful exercise to undergo.

This is my effort, showing how I solved this particular challenge.