
Java version of the Solid Development eXperience

Primary LanguageKotlin


Java version of the Solid Development eXperience


This repo contains source code for the Java version of the SDX in the gradle-plugin, commons and client-lib directories, as well as a demo app in the demo-app directory and a (limited) benchmark to evaluate performance in the benchmark directory.

How to run

To run the demo app, limited setup is necessary.

First clone the repository to your local environment.

Run the Gradle task sdxBuild to generate the GraphQL schema based on the configuration in the build.gradle.kts file of the demo app.

To run the demo app, you first have to launch a Solid Server with a pod. To do so, install docker and run docker compose up in the root directory of this project Finally, you can launch any of the programs in the main src folder of the demo app.

Gradle configuration

To configure the Gradle plugin, add a sdx block to your build.gradle. The following configuration options are available:

  • catalogURL (Property<String>): URL of the catalog to be used to import shapes from.
  • importShapesFromURL (ListProperty<String>): Shorthand for importShapes: imports the Shapes from the specified URLs using the default options.
  • importShapesFromCatalog (ListProperty<String>): Shorthand for importShapes: imports the Shape packages with the specified catalog id using the default options.
  • packageName (Property<String>): Name of the package to use for the generated classes.
  • importShapes (ListProperty<ShapeImport>): List of the Shape imports (see below)


A list of ShapeImports should be provided for the Gradle plugin. These contain the configuration for the SHACL shapes that the Gradle Plugin will fetch and use to generate the GraphQL plugin. Each ShapeImport has the following options with listed defaults:

  • catalogId: String? = null Id of the shape package in the configured shape catalog
  • importUrl: String? = null URL of the Shape package or file to import
  • exclude: Set<String> = emptySet() Set of Shapes to ignore, identified by their URIs.
  • generateMutations: Boolean = true Determines if mutations should be generated for the Shapes
  • typePrefix: String = "" An optional prefix to add to types generated from the to be imported Shapes, can help to solve conflicts.
  • shapeFileName: String? = null An optional filename to use for the downloaded Shape import, can help to solve conflicts.