

Opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the correct way to use sub-issue ?
Nothing appears in the UI even if i've checked the "use sub-issue" option,


so I've manually tried flow:dependant :Iss1625242740456; on

but nothing more in the ui

Displaying the hierarchy of nested subtasks is not yet implemented: #15

timbl commented

The subissue panel was never added to the DOM ..

I had another debug: It turns out that "Allow issues to have sub-issues" in settings sets wf:allowSubIssues

:property wf:allowSubIssues;

However, the code to display the subpanel checks for ui:allowSubIssues

if (getOption(tracker, 'allowSubIssues')) {


Lines 165 to 169 in 7424281

function getOption (tracker, option) {
// eg 'allowSubIssues'
const opt = kb.any(tracker, ns.ui(option))
return !!(opt && opt.value)

Currently, the sub-issue functionality can therefore be manually set by adding tracker ui:allowSubIssues 1.

Dependencies are expressed using wf:dependent

Edit: and the subissue panel is now added to the dom in 6559425