
A library to autobatch tasks transparently fromt he client code

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet version Coverage Status License: MIT


S3.Autobatcher is an utility to process "chunks of items" of an specified size from one or more "item producers". Its was conceived for scenarios where its needed to collect items from multiplesources and then aggregate/or or compose a single aggregate that is payloaded toghether.


  • Collect items from producers and encapsulates the logic to process them together
  • Process all the items in a single chunk or auto-chunk the batch when sizes are being reached without blocking the producers
  • Produce the items concurrently


  • Batch: represents a container of items and the logic to invoke the processing and the partition of the items in chunks
  • Chunk: is a collection of items of a batch that completed to be processed
  • Item Producer: each one of the code clients that push items to the batch is an item producer
  • Chunk processor: it processes a batch throughout its chunks

Technical documentation:

  • Working samples in the repository
  • Unit tests in the repository


Adding int items into a batch

Simplest possible example of publishing int items to the Batch. :

//batch configuration
var batchConfiguration = new BatchConfiguration<int>
	//Time window before the current batch chuck collected is executed
	AddMoreItemsTimeWindow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0)
//Create batch
var batchCollector = new Batch<int>(batchConfiguration, new BatchChunkProcessor());

//obtain a producer token that allows aggregation of items to the batch, there can be more than one concurrent aggregators. Not represented in this example 
//new aggregator
using (var token = await batchCollector.NewBatchAggregatorToken())
	//add items until the user cancels
	while (!_cancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
		var item = rnd.Next(0, 25);
		await batchCollector.Add(item, token);
	//notify the batch that this aggregator is done adding items
	await batchCollector.AddingItemsToBatchCompleted(token);

processing a batch

Here is a simple example of a processor of batch chunks where you can define the payload to execute for each chunk: send request, compute,...

class BatchChunkProcessor : IBatchChunkProcessor<int>
	private int _batchNumber = 0;
	public Task Process(IReadOnlyCollection<int> chunkItems, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
		Console.WriteLine($"Batch #{++_batchNumber}, items processed:",Color.DarkGreen);
		//prints the items comma-separated
		var current = string.Join(',', chunkItems);
		return Task.CompletedTask;

	public ErrorResult HandleError(IReadOnlyCollection<int> chunkItems, Exception exception, int currentAttemptNumber)
		return ErrorResult.AbortAndRethrow;

		//here aer other compensation options commented 

		//explore other options here, like store for later execution,... 
		//return ErrorResult.Continue;

		// or retry, together with the parameter currentAttemptNumber
		//return ErrorResult.Retry;


S3.Autobatcher is Open Source software and is released under the MIT license.