🎩 Use Antd (Less) with Next.js v12, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
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update packages
#114 opened by saeedghasemi72 - 0
#113 opened by 3sang - 1
Invalid next.config.js options detected
#106 opened by 1742014 - 5
Antd 4 custom theme config with nextjs after .less CSS files appended multiple times on DOM.
#112 opened by prakashmallow - 1
next-plugin-antd-less not support next13.x
#110 opened by zsz-danzi - 4
nextjs 13 antd 5 会导致 cssinjs 无法 ssr
#111 opened by LengYXin - 1
Simple Example with NextJS standard stuff
#107 opened by herbertpimentel - 1
- 11
Warning: invalid next.config.js options detected
#105 opened by devuxer - 6
SWC replacing Babel
#98 opened by johnmagbag1995 - 4
Use antd build resource error in Next@12.0.2?
#95 opened by luojinghui - 1
CSS file import broken
#92 opened by poka93 - 5
lessVarsFilePath not works
#100 opened by semoonpark - 1
Do you that work with SWC compiler?
#104 opened by saeedghasemi72 - 8
style is broken on build but works on dev env
#103 opened by shereen-fathy - 5
- 3
Support ant-mobile
#101 opened by a-vershinin - 4
#102 opened by sanheart - 6
lessVarsFilePath doesn't work
#74 opened by Webbrother - 2 incorrectly lists SWC support
#94 opened by timothymiller - 2
- 1
Error with <Image /> component Antd
#96 opened by qunahui - 1
- 4
Plugin not working on windows (works fine on linux)
#86 opened by yxx4c - 3
- 4
- 2
- 3
Next.js 12 support
#87 opened by timothymiller - 3
Next.js 12 import less file error
#88 opened by tigressbailey - 4
Error after update for NextJs 12
#90 opened by marvingbh - 1
next9 start normal but failed packaging
#89 opened by ZeroJsus - 4
- 2
Compatibility with Ant Pro Components
#61 opened by darr1s - 3
Build time and hot reload are very slow
#75 opened by mantovanig - 2
- 2
Error with latest version of antd
#77 opened by LikeCarter - 1
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '@'
#81 opened by Meansereirith - 3
How to enable the dark mode?
#80 opened by THPubs - 1
- 1
Cannot import global stylesheet in next.js
#78 opened by pkail - 1
Other Config is invalid
#71 opened by zFitness - 1
- 1
lessVarsFilePath not being used after updating from 0.3.0 to 1.3.0 on Next 11
#69 opened by deschantkn - 1
all component change color unless checkbox
#67 opened by mohexc - 15
compile failed with next.js 11
#66 opened by ZhangWei-KUMO - 5
Can't resolve less-loader
#65 opened by Mar-he - 3
next.js 10.2.3 breaking woff loader
#60 opened by sitch - 2
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