
A repository for working with land data, based on OpenHuntingData - https://github.com/OpenBounds/OpenHuntingData

Primary LanguageGo

Open Land Data

These are a collection of scripts and libraries that aid in processing geospatial data.

All runnable go scripts are located at cmd/<module>/<script>.go. They can be run by moving your current directory to one of these script modules and running the go script. Ex:

cd cmd/bulk2tiles
go run bulk2tiles.go -h

Miscelanious scripts used to pre-process data are in misc-scripts/. All library code is in pkg/


Ensure these tools are installed and in your PATH. Some scripts depend on these.


All go scripts can be passed -h to see usage information. Each script can be used on it's own, but they are built to be used in conjunction. Ex: For converting USFS topo PDF's to a merged tileset, this is the order to run the commands on the dataset:

pdf2tiff -> bulk2tiles -> cleantiles -> fixbackground -> tilemerge -> tileoverview

Most scripts create a copy and then modify the data, so each step is reversible. (Note: One exception to this is the cleantiles script, which modifies in place)

Dependencies & Compilation

Ensure all modules are verified by running go mod verify

You can compile a given script with go build <script-name>.go. This will create an executable called <script-name>. Alternatively, you can run go run <script-name>.go which will compile and run in the same step, but will not leave an executable.

If there are any missing dependencies, the compiler will throw an error cannot find package "<package-name>" Use go get <package-name> to install them.