
By using Pandas do analyze on 3 big csv files then use the descriptive statistics to answer questions about the data.

Primary LanguagePython

# bikeshare_project

Analyze data from three different csv files. 
then depending on the user selection (Interactive Experience) apply the descriptive statistics to answer questions about the data.

Skills: Python


An Interactive Experience
A script that takes in raw input to create an interactive experience in the terminal that answers questions about the dataset. 
There are four questions that will change the answers:

1. Would you like to see data for Chicago, New York, or Washington?
2. Would you like to filter the data by month, day, or not at all?
3. (If they chose month) Which month - January, February, March, April, May, or June?
4. (If they chose day) Which day - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53037698/how-can-i-find-the-most-frequent-two-column-combination-in-a-dataframe-in-python
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/get-a-specific-row-in-a-given-pandas-dataframe/
3. https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.Series.dt.month_name.html
4. https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.Series.dt.day_name.html#pandas.Series.dt.day_name
5. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53045867/extracting-the-hour-from-a-time-column-in-pandas
6. https://datascienceparichay.com/article/most-frequent-value-in-a-pandas-column/
7. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8577027/how-to-declare-a-long-string-in-python
8. https://thispointer.com/pandas-count-values-in-a-column/