- 11
Question about MAtmos resource packs for 1.7.10
#17 opened by xJon - 1
1.12.2 MAtmos crash
#19 opened by xJon - 3
1.7.10 Download Links Broken
#20 opened by DarianLStephens - 3
Game crashes upon attempting to start.
#18 opened by rglx - 12
Compatibility for Minecraft 1.12.2
#15 opened by andreaspalmer - 1
decrease volume of wind sounds
#14 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
- 0
Does 1.8.9 version work on 1.8 litemod?
#13 opened by Bo-Fone - 11
Wondering if 1.12.2 Version is Planned
#16 opened by DrakoAlcarus - 5
Multiple bugs with default expansion pack
#3 opened by Brottweiler - 3
1.11 compatibility
#11 opened by GVG - 1
MAtmos for 1.8.9 resource pack incompatibility
#10 opened by Bo-Fone - 6
1.10.2 compatibility
#6 opened by Primorior - 0
The loudest rain in the world?
#9 opened - 1
Use of Matmos and MSI in modpacks
#7 opened by dexman545 - 3
- 3
download confusion
#4 opened by mvdhoning - 1
- 1
Move the wiki over?
#2 opened by Brottweiler