💻 macOS Apps and Enhancements

Apple Silicon native macOS apps, tools and enhancements.

Legend Icon Description
Paid 💰 App is paid, or requires in app purchase to be useful
I use this ⭐️ It works well enough for me to use

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📖 Categories

The Stuff

🎧 Audio Utilities

  • BackgroundMusic | Individual app volume control
  • Beardie | Intelligently reroute your macs pause key to a music player + media control commands
  • BlackHole | Very simple audio driver for routing audio between apps
  • Ocenaudio | Easy, fast and powerful audio editor
  • 💰 AudioHijack | Highly configurable audio recording from apps
  • 💰 AudioWrangler | Auto priority based input / output switching on device connection
  • 💰 Loopback | Audio driver and user interface for highly flexible audio routing
  • 💰 Piezo | Super simple way to record audio from apps
  • 💰 SoundSource | Individual app volume control

🔎 Browsers

  • Arc | A beautifully designed, mac conscious, chromium browser
  • Orion | Webkit based and safari inspired browser with chrome and firefox extensions

🖥 Display Customization

🎮 Gaming

  • Dolphin Ctrl Server | Server to use phone as controller in dolphin emulator
  • Dolphin Emulator | Wii and gamecube emulator
  • Lunar Client | Minecraft client that runs natively on apple silicon
  • PolyMC | Minecraft launcher for modded minecraft that runs natively on apple silicon
  • PlayCover | Sideload and run iOS apps like genshin + Keyboard mapping
  • SwiftCord | A macos native implementation of discord

🎥 Media Utilities

  • ⭐️ IINA+ | IINA media player with additional features and bug fixes
  • HandBrake | Converting and compressing video files
  • Infuse | Video player supporting HDR and spatial audio
  • Utai | Mp3 file tagger
  • 💰 ff·Works 3 | A Comprehensive Media Tool for macOS

📊 Menu Bar Enhancements

  • Hidden Bar | Basic click and hide menu bar icons
  • MenubarX | A browser in your menu bar
  • PlayStatus | macOS app that allows the control of music playback from the menu bar
  • Vanilla | Basic click and hide menu bar icons
  • 💰 Bartender 4 | Autohides icons based on their changes and the system

🖱 Peripheral Utilities

  • Mos | Reverses the mouse scroll direction without reversing the trackpad, plus smooth scrolling
  • CameraController | Control exposure and color settings on external USB webcams
  • Ears | Audio input/output switcher based on commands
  • LinearMouse | Disables mouse acceleration and some other mouse settings
  • ⭐️ MacMouseFix | A simple way to make your mouse better
  • 💰⭐️ AirBuddy | iOS-like airpods device animation, connect with commands
  • 💰 Better Mouse | Aims to replace 3rd party mouse drivers
  • 💰 SteerMouse | Control mouse settings on a hardware level

👨‍💻 Productivity Apps

  • ⭐️ Alfred | Replaces spotlight, instant app/files/folder/web search, see Alfred Powerpack
  • ⭐️ Amphetamine | Utility to prevent your Mac from sleeping based on timers, conditions, etc.
  • ⭐️ Flow | Pomodoro studying timer
  • ⭐️ OwlOCR | OCR (Screenshot to output) for text, can convert unsearchable pdfs to searchable
  • ⭐️ Motrix | Download manager and speed booster
  • ⭐️ Tinkertool | Terminal commands in a gui, advanced macOS settings
  • App Fair | GUI interface for all of homebrew casks (apps)
  • AutoFocus | Automatically raise windows to prominence through your mouse
  • Figr | Unit conversion tool
  • Maccy | Clipboard manager
  • Multi | Create a custom, lightweight macOS app from a group of websites
  • Raycast | Replaces spotlight with a great extension store
  • 💰 Forklift | File Manager and FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3 client
  • 💰 Hazeover | Dim the entire windows except for the app in focus
  • 💰 Transmit | File Manager and FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3 client
  • 💰 Wins | A Brand New Window Manager for macOS. Bring System-level Arrange Window features to Mac. Dock Window Previewer.Shake to hide other windows. Floating Split Window and more

🧭 Safari Extensions

  • ⭐️ Auto HD + FPS for Youtube | Automatically sets quality, fps and video mode for Youtube
  • Pippo | Add media controls to picture in picture
  • Scribens | Great free alternative to grammarly
  • ⭐️ SponsorBlock | Skips sponsor spots in YouTube, you have to build the extension yourself in xcode
  • 💰⭐️ DarkReader | Automatically makes websites dark, purchase syncs across the Apple ecosystem
  • 💰 SponsorBlock | Skips sponsor spots in YouTube, paid means the app is ready to run from the get go
  • 💰 Vinegar | Enable 1080p youtube on mobile, turns youtube video player into default apple player
  • 💰⭐️ Wipr | Best Adblock on Safari, period

🔒 Security Tools

  • Cryptomator | A client-side encryption app
  • KnockKnock | Find persistently installed programs and malware on your computer
  • Lulu | Open source firewall to block incoming and outgoing connections
  • OverSight | OverSight monitors a mac's mic and webcam, alerting the user when the internal mic or camera is activated
  • Pareto Security | Automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene

⚙️ System Tools

  • ⭐️ AppCleaner | Finds and removes random miscellaneous files when you delete an app
  • ⭐️ MediaMate | Fresh visuals for Volume, Brightness and Now Playing.
  • ⭐️ Silicon | Simple app to check if an app is native on Apple Silicon / m1
  • ⭐️ The Unarchiver | Unarchiver / uncompressor for compressed files of all types
  • CoconutBattery | Macos and iOS battery health information
  • Dockey | Advanced macOS dock options
  • Onyx | General system cleanup
  • Shifty | Advanced night shift controls
  • Swift Quit | Quits apps when clicking the red button
  • 💰 Ejectify | Automatically eject and mount drives on sleep and wake, useful for external drives

📝 Text Editors

  • CotEditor | Lightweight plain-text editor for macOS
  • bbedit | OG text editor
  • Textmate | Editor that brings Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors
  • 💰 SublimeText | Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose

👉 Touch Bar Enhancements

  • MuseBar | Spotify / Apple Music album art and swipe controls in the control strip
  • HapticKey | Haptic physical feedback from the Touch Bar
  • Pock | Dock and widgets inside of the Touch Bar
  • 💰 BetterTouchTools | Advanced Touch Bar widgets, gesture, scripts and more

🌌 Windows Management

  • Rectangle | Drag windows to the side or use commands to tile them, supports extensions
  • AltTab | Windows 11 like CMD-Tab enhancement
  • Amethyst | Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad
  • Tiles | Drag windows to the side or use commands to tile them
  • Yabai | A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
  • 💰 Swish | Trackpad based windows tiling along with commands
  • 💰⭐️ Magnet | Essentially a paid version of Tiles