- 1
- 1
How to start GUI?
#48 opened by christopherisnow - 0
ng: ActionMailer is called statically
#46 opened by jaco-terbraak - 0
ng: Subscriptions never work
#45 opened by jaco-terbraak - 2
Throttle email sending
#5 opened by ssoulless - 0
Analytics - Look into Ahoy_email
#32 opened by ACPK - 20
Rails 5 support?
#28 opened by aldefouw - 0
[Capistrano] Cannot start paperboy by defaults
#31 opened by Looooong - 0
How to send HTML email?
#29 opened by warrior1724 - 3
Mail delivery stops after some time
#27 opened by RandieM - 1
- 2
Add track opens and clicks
#3 opened by ssoulless - 2
Can't send Devise's confirmation_email
#23 opened by Frexuz - 5
Rails assets:precompile tries to connect to DB
#11 opened by sabudaye - 0
I can't use custome action mailer
#25 opened by webdev1014 - 1
Accessing devise/cancancan helpers in initializer doesn't work
#24 opened by 0xD7ba952CE8A0976e8d9852b7649bf01c30146 - 1
Mongoid support
#15 opened by dmitrypol - 0
Configure redis_url per environment ?
#18 opened by bilby91 - 0
- 0
Doesn't send devise's confirmation email
#21 opened by Frexuz - 1
Paperboy stops
#20 opened by andres99x - 1
Html One Time Mailings Template
#19 opened by andres99x - 1
- 10
- 2
Periodical mailings tests failing
#13 opened by ssoulless - 1
Add Travis CI badge to the readme
#12 opened by ssoulless - 1
Submit maily_herald to codetriage
#16 opened by ssoulless - 2
License missing from gemspec
#1 opened by bf4 - 1
Support ActiveJob
#10 opened by Sija - 2
Running tests
#9 opened by ssoulless - 1
Say Thank you!
#2 opened by ssoulless - 1
debugger gem doesn't work with Ruby 2.1+
#8 opened by ssoulless