
Project about uning Jackson library for parsing JSON and csv files

Primary LanguageJava


Project about uning Jackson library for parsing JSON and csv files Done in 6h


  1. Download materials for the project from the specified resource, unpack. Resource: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P0_XKLUfOsGN59em8tFXc5GItil_Grw1/view?usp=share_link
  2. Generate a data model through a special service that reflects the objects from the FrequentFlyerForum-Profiles.json file. The initial class is named: FrequentFlyer.
  3. Create a repository whose constructor takes a path to a file and initializes the repository field
  4. To work with dates, use the LocalDate class
  5. Find all passengers who departed from the specified city by passing it as a method parameter
  6. Find all passengers who departed later than the specified date, passing it as a method parameter
  7. To process the BoardingData.csv file, create a separate data model and repository.
  8. Implement a method that serialize a collection from the repository in JSON format to the specified file