
script, bash, tooling, drupal, bash, php, linux

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Scripting for Drupal

Welcome to the scripting repository of Solucionex // SLX, a space for diverse scripting tools for everyday-life. Here, we're storing diverse tooling in order to work with Drupal in the daily life. We have some folders named by functions. Follow our README guide.


In this folder (/installers), you will find some resources in order to launch a new Drupal site / local installation.

  • installing_complete_environment Bash script, downloads a Drupal codebase using Docker, Docker-Compose and DDEV. Also installs some JavaScript resources.


    • Checks if an Internet connection is available.
    • Installs updated packages for Docker, Docker-Compose.
    • Installs or updates DDEV-Local.
    • Runs Docker and stop Apache local server, in order to leave the port 80 free.
    • Builds a new Drupal-based project using DDEV-Local.
    • Download a custom docker-composer file in order to add a one more container with Portainer to the DDEV-Local Network.
    • Creates, configures and Deploys a new Drupal site in the current location.
    • Installs and enable some Basic Drupal Modules ready for work: devel, masquerade, admin_toolbar and webprofiler -merged in Devel module-.
    • Builds subtheming for the project: Creates the custom subtheme, libraries declaration, an initial JavaScript file and an initial empty file for CSS styling.
    • Puts the Drupal instalation in dev mode turning off the cache system and enabling TWIG debug.
    • Installs and enable subtheme.
    • Installs node, npm and Angular.
    • Shows a whole report with info about the installation.
    • Launches the new Drupal Site in Browser and connect to the container's prompt.
  • installing_PHP74_basic_setup Bash script, installs the basic package set for PHP in a Debian / Ubuntu distro.


    • Install the next packages: php7.4, php7.4-bcmath, php7.4-bz2, php7.4-curl, php7.4-dev, php7.4-gd, php7.4-dom, php7.4-imap, php7.4-imagick, php7.4-intl, php7.4-json, php7.4-ldap, php7.4-mbstring, php7.4-mysql, php7.4-oauth, php7.4-odbc, php7.4-uploadprogress, php7.4-ssh2, php7.4-xml, php7.4-yaml, php7.4-zip, php7.4-solr, php7.4-apcu, php7.4-opcache, php7.4-redis, php7.4-memcache, php7.4-memcached, php7.4-xdebug, php7.4-sqlite3.
  • installing_docker_dockercompose_ddev Bash script, installs the Docker Engine and the DDEV tool in a local environment.


    • Updates your local package system.
    • Installs some resources as: build-essential apt-transport-https ca-certificates jq curl software-properties-common file git
    • Installs containerd docker.io docker-compose
    • Enables Docker and add the current user to the Docker group.
    • Checks if Docker is running or not.
    • Gets output from the Docker installed version.
    • Checks if DDEV was installed by brew or not, updating brew and previous versions of DDEV.
    • Downloads and executes the DDEV basic installation script.
    • Checks if DDEV is available now in your system.
  • installing_custom_subtheming Bash script, creates and enables a new custom Drupal subtheme from Bartik inside your Drupal installation.
    Works with DDEV, just for a DDEV local deployment, executes the script within the main project folder.


    • Creates all the new folders structure.
    • Creates a new custom subtheme: info.yml, libraries.yml, .js initial file and CSS initial file.
    • Puts the Drupal installation in dev mode, turning off the cache system and enabling TWIG debug.
    • Installs and enables new subtheme using Drush.
    • Launch the Drupal installation through the default browser.


Main folder with a family of installation scripts for deploy local Drupal installations with different versions (Drupal 7, Drupal 8, Drupal 9 and Drupal 9 using Acquia Lightning version). This scripts covers all the steps when you already are in a Debian / Ubuntu System and have Docker, Docker-Compose and DDEV working locally. Use the scripts just in these scenarios.

  • installing_drupal9_ddev This is our main script (right now), is a processing bash script to deploy a whole Drupal 9 site ready to Work. Just download, move to your workspace directory, giving permissions to the file with chmod +x installing_drupal9_ddev and launching it with a new project name as parameter, just do:
$ cd workspace
$ chmod + x installing_drupal9_ddev
$ ./installing_drupal9_ddev projectname

See the actions contained in the script:

* Gets initial name for new project and makes folder.
* Builds initial basic structure for DDEV deploy.
* Gets the Docker Compose file for Portainer in DDEV network (from https://github.com/davidjguru/ddev-contrib/tree/master/docker-compose-services/portainer).
* Inits the DDEV local deploy using ddev composer create.
* Creates auxiliary folders: /scripts, /docs, /backups, /config/sync.
* Downloads and prepares JavaScript libraries for Web Profile (d3, highlight).
* Changes the location of the config/sync folder using a new custom settings.local.php
* Writes a new README file for project in root.
* Builds the new Drupal Site and clears cache.
* Installs some Drupal contrib modules and resources.
* Creates a new custom subtheme derivative from Bartik (with basic files, CSS and JavaScript) and enables it in the Drupal installation.
* Puts the Drupal installation in dev mode turning off the cache system and enabling TWIG debug.
* Exports an initial dump of the database file and the config files.
* Restarts, launchs in browser and connects the new deploy.

  • installing_drupal9_acquia_lightning_ddev Same as former but using Acquia Lightning as base.
  • installing_drupal8_ddev Same as the first script but for a Drupal 8 core version.
  • installing_drupal7_ddev Just a very, very basic script for Drupal 7 installation.