
Prodirect Manipulation of Music (CS 691 Research Project)

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Script-n-Scribe: Prodirect Manipulation for Music Composition

Author: Teddy Sudol
CS 691 NN, Fall 2015


Assuming you have GHC, GHCi and cabal installed:

  1. Download the code into some directory: git clone git@github.com:Solumin/ScriptNScribe
  2. cd into the project directory
  3. (Optional) cabal sandbox init to create a safe environment for installing packages
  4. cabal install to download and install dependencies

To uninstall this later, delete the sandbox using cabal sandbox delete. (Or just rm -rf the whole directory.)

The other option is to install the dependencies manually using cabal install <package>.


The easiest way to interact with Script-n-Scribe is through GHCi, the Haskell REPL. Cabal provides its own repl command that will automatically load the library into GHCi. This loads the entire library instead of individual files. To access the Demo and UI.BreveUI "main" functions, you need to load them specifically with :load. (e.g. :l UI.BreveUI then :main will launch the UI.)

The other option is to load the source files directly into GHCi.

From inside the src directory, running ghci <file> will load that file for use. Different files load different parts of the project:

  • BreveLang.hs for access to the parser functions
  • BreveEval.hs: evaluate, run and perform files. Includes BreveLang.hs
  • Synth.hs: run synthesis. Includes BreveLang and BreveEval
  • Demo.hs: To see run the demo from my presentation. (Run :main from inside GHCi to run the demo.) Includes previous files.

The UI is located in src/UI. To run it, cd into that directory and run ghci -i".." BreveUI.hs. Once it has loaded, run :main to start the UI, which will be available on localhost post 8023.


  • euterpea (Hudak's music/sound library, as seen in the Haskell School of Music.)
  • parsec (Applicative parsing library. See src/BreveLang.hs)
  • raw-strings-qq (QuasiQuoter for raw strings -- see src/BrevePrelude.hs)
  • threepenny-gui (FRP GUI JS)


Euterpea has easy instructions for setting up MIDI playback from Haskell on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Important Files

  • doc/: Contains documentation, including the project report, the Breve specification and the UI plan.
  • src/:
    • BreveLang.hs: The parser
    • BreveEval.hs: The evaluator
    • BrevePrelude.hs: The Prelude for Breve programs
    • Synth.hs: The synthesis system
    • Demo.hs: A short demo of Breve. Compile it, or load it into ghci and run ":main"
    • UI/: Breve UI package
      • BreveUI.hs: The current UI. Somewhat brittle.
      • static/: Contains static web content served by the UI, most notably the index.html and breve.css files.
  • examples/: Contains example Breve (.brv) programs. To execute from inside ghci: perform =<< readFile "fileName"
    • e.g. perform =<< readFile "../examples/frerejacques.brv"

The State of Testing

I am quite disheartened to say that there are currently no tests for this project. This is partly due to the highly organic nature of this project, where tests would be invalid immediately after writing them. I also had difficulty putting tests into the typical QuickCheck paradigm, though I have a better idea of that now.

The future work section of the paper mentions various parts of Script-n-Scribe that need to be improved. Adding tests would be one of those areas, but it is a failing of the project, not of the product. Consider it at the top of the "fix this project" list.