- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#100 opened by renovate - 1
Build checks fail when opening PRs
#103 opened by bkjoel - 0
Move CI to Github Actions
#113 opened by AmitBenAmi - 0
Add support for not Azure JWT tokens
#114 opened by AleF83 - 0
Pipelines aren't streamlined and are duplicated
#106 opened by AmitBenAmi - 6
Not able to call API from Airbag
#45 opened by murughas - 1
Add support for authorization
#11 opened by omerlh - 0
Add usage examples and configuration
#5 opened by ryacobi - 7
Unwrap JWT token
#4 opened by omerlh - 0
- 2
"Duplex" mode
#2 opened by Yshayy - 1
Allow configuring CORS policy
#1 opened by itaym2