
Congo Proxy enables you to easily create proxies use that use Congo.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Congo Proxy

Congo Proxy enables you to easily create proxies use that use Congo.

The proxy uses the invoker to execute a remote call that will be received by the listener on the other end, then responses are retured by the responder. For more info see: Congo Core Explained


npm install congo-proxy --save


Setup the proxy:

var congoProxy = require('congo-proxy');

var proxy = congoProxy("myService", invoker);
var myService = proxy.build();

The invoker object should be and object that implements:

invoke(remoteCall: RemoteCall): Observable<Object>

and is responsible for transporting the remote call over the communication layer. see congo-examples for more info.

Once the proxy is created use it as you would use any Promise (for methods) or Observable (for observables)

    .then(result => console.log(result));

    .doOnNext(result => console.log(result))