
Deleting secret is not reflected kamussecret object

ragsonline opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
After deleting the secret created through CRD Object KamusSecret- Unable to re-create the secret with the same name as Kamus fails with error "secret" already exists

Versions used
Kamus (API images):
Kamus CLI: 0.3.0
Chart version: kamus-0.4.6
KMS provider: AWS KMS
Kubernetes flavour and version: (e.g. OpenShift Origin 3.9)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create secret using KamusSecret Kind
  2. Delete secret
  3. Re-creating the same secret fails as "kumasecret" already exists

Expected behavior

Should be this way that deleting kuberentes secret should also delete kumas secret.

It's kinda expected - KamusSecret is managing the Secret, not the other way around. So, if you delete the KamusSecret the secret will be deleted - but if delete the secret the state will be invalid: Kamus think the secret exists (because KamusSecret exists).

Can you share more about the error you had? WDYM Re-creating the same secret ? How?

Thanks for your prompt response @omerlh
What I meant about that error is because the KumaSecret object is not deleted or exists.

if I do, kubectl apply or create -f kumasecret.yaml that I used to create in the first place says already exists.

which now means. we need to delete and recreate KumaSecret object if we need to reuse the manifest file

Not following... So - you deleted the secret. Does the KamusSecret exist after deletion? Did you try to create the secret manually? Or, did you try to apply again the manifest and it failed because KamusSecret object exist, but the secret not?

If so, we can open another PR - asking that Kamus will watch Secrets managed by Kamus, and if such a secret is deleted it will recreate it. Does that makes sense?

Below are the steps i followed.

  1. KamusSecret manifest to create the secret
cat kamu-secret.yaml 
apiVersion: ""
kind: KamusSecret
  name: this-kamus-secret-v2
  namespace: test
serviceAccount: kamus-example-sa
  1. kubectl create -f kamu-secret.yaml created

  2. List KamusSecret and Kube Secret

kubectl get secret this-kamus-secret-v2
this-kamus-secret-v2 Opaque 1 26s

 kubectl get kamussecret this-kamus-secret-v2
this-kamus-secret-v2 35s

  1. Delete Kubernetes Secret Object

kubectl delete secret this-kamus-secret-v2
secret "this-kamus-secret-v2" deleted

  1. Still KamusSecret exists ---- [ now understood this is expected ]
    kubectl get kamussecret
    this-kamus-secret-v2 2m49s

6.  Trying to run the same manifest file to create the secret[ failed due to above step ]

kubectl create -f kamu-secret.yaml
Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "kamu-secret.yaml": "this-kamus-secret-v2" already exists

Closing as #457 is more accurate.