
InfoEnergia React Dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

InfoEnergia Dashboard

InfoEnergia react dashboard for Som Energia Virtual Office.

Development setup

  • Copy .env.development.example as .env.development or generate it (see below)
  • Fill the contract list and the token
  • Trick: if you connect to the real OV infoenergia page as any user, and you inspect the code, the html contains both.
  • Run npm start to launch the application. The landing page has an index to the target urls

To run the tests

npm run test

Generating .env.development files

You can use scripts/generate_env.py to generate the .env.development file.

The script requires a configdb.py file with a dict called erppeek_profiles, each key pointing to a different erppeek configuration (prod, test, stage...).


./scripts/generate_env.py bypartner 123456789X > .env.development.123456789X
./scripts/generate_env.py bycontract -t 3.0 > .env.development.tarifa30
./scripts/generate_env.py bycontract -t 3.0 -z canary > .env.development.canary

And then link .env.development to any of those. For example:

ln -sf .env.development.canary .env.development

CAUTION: After changing the .env.development, a restart is required since it is not monitored by autoreload.

Use generate_env.py --help for more usage information.

Deploy into oficina virtual

This command will build and copy the files to oficinavirtual. In order to work both repositories (infoenergia-dashboard and oficinavirtual) should be cloned at the same directory level and with their default names.

npm run build:ov

Component tree

Energy Curves

  • App
    • TimeCurvePageWrapper
      • Container/ContractSelectorWrapper: Selects contract and provide its data
        • TimeCurvesContextProvider: Download curves and provide them
          • TimeCurvesPage:
            • TimeCurves:
              • TimeCurvesBarChart
              • TimeCurvesLineChart