Pinned Repositories
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
Making AI for Everyone Possible
Basic Statistics operations like mean, median and mode for data in a file. A file with the basic details like salary, yrs of experience of employees are available in the file to play with.
The python code that builds a very basic neural network without a optimizer and a callback. The csv file has some basic numerical data.
Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
A robot(car) that is controlled by the DTMF signals produced form a cellular phone.
Python code of tokenizing, chunking and pos tagging words in a sentence from a csv file. Used some comments for the project.
A Robot(car) that is connected in WiFi and controlled using a internet browser.
To increase the efficiency of the solar panel, LDRs are used to track the panel towards the sun. Arduino UNO is used to control the panel using a stepper motor.
This small project is a basic web-scrapping of Rotten Tomatoes website. Critics reviews for the series Tiger King Season 1 has been web scrapped from the website using Beautiful Soup and generated as a dataframe using pandas.
Some1OutThere's Repositories
A robot(car) that is controlled by the DTMF signals produced form a cellular phone.
Python code of tokenizing, chunking and pos tagging words in a sentence from a csv file. Used some comments for the project.
A Robot(car) that is connected in WiFi and controlled using a internet browser.
To increase the efficiency of the solar panel, LDRs are used to track the panel towards the sun. Arduino UNO is used to control the panel using a stepper motor.
This small project is a basic web-scrapping of Rotten Tomatoes website. Critics reviews for the series Tiger King Season 1 has been web scrapped from the website using Beautiful Soup and generated as a dataframe using pandas.
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
Making AI for Everyone Possible
Basic Statistics operations like mean, median and mode for data in a file. A file with the basic details like salary, yrs of experience of employees are available in the file to play with.
The python code that builds a very basic neural network without a optimizer and a callback. The csv file has some basic numerical data.
Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
The repository has two py codes .One creates a .ini as a database file with bank account. Other code makes changes and new updation of the same .ini file.
By using the Convex Optimization techniques we integrated VGG16 with CVXPY layers and the results a outstanding for high resolution images.
This repository contains the solutions for the assignments from iNeuron ML 22nd Feb batch.
From the csv that has the famous iris dataset, some cells are missing. The problem is to find the category of flower (Iris Setosa, Iris Virginica, Iris Versicolor) given the measurements of a particular flower. Using KNN and naive bayes for the problem.
Python program that used json library for writing and reading a json file that has bank account details of the customer. This program has the following operation. (1) Check Balance Check Details of Account number (2) Check all accounts in particular location : (list chennai details if chennai given) (3) List the account holder names of particalar age:(age > 25) (4) Withdraw/Deposit balance
Sentence chunking and parts of speech tagging for the sentences available in a .csv file