CI environment

This code provisions an environment to build and demo docker based projects in a docker swarm. The primary intention is to demo multiple web projects with all open branches, reachable via separate URLs.

For a 2 projects project1 and project2 the accessible URLs may be as follows:


  • Docker swarm cluster
    • based on docker engine 18.04 or higher
    • accessible via SSH
  • Domain for the demo server. The DNS of the domain needs to be served by GoDaddy
  • Gitlab server, to connect the gitlab runners to

Conceptually, this package can be split up into three parts:

  • Build cluster (gitlab-ci runners)
  • Artifact storage (docker image registry)
  • Demo cluster

The build of a project can be seen here: Conceptual diagram

Allthough they could theoretically be split up into several docker swarms (build, store, demo), all three parts will be provisioned in the same docker swarm.


To build, store and demo docker based projects, this CI environment arranges several preexisting packages in a docker swarm:

component role
portainer To visualize the status of the docker swarm
gitlab-runner To build projects as docker images
registry To store the images
traeffik as a load balancer, to make the services and demo stacks available via https

This project provisions the permanent parts of the CI environment. The demo projects will be added as seperate stacks to the same cloud.

Conceptual diagram


Traeffik acts as a reverse proxy for the docker swarm and routes inbound requests to the respective services. These services can be part of the permanent stacks (such as portainer.demo.example, or registry.demo.example) or demo stacks.


The script expects a number of environment variables to be set:

Env variable Description Sample
DEMO_SERVER_HOSTNAME Hostname of the CI environment demo.example
ADMIN_AUTH_USERNAME username for portainer, traefik, … admin
ADMIN_AUTH_PASSWORD password for portinaer, traefik, … mysecretpassword
GODADDY_API_KEY API Key for the GoDaddy DNS Service omdhj235_koemdh84623ndfbw
GODADDY_API_SECRET API Secret for the GoDaddy DNS Service 123SECRET123i5z231z
CI_SERVER_URL URL of the gitlab server
REGISTRATION_TOKEN Gitlab Runner registration token kdherhSECRET728126123