Appinio test ai backend app

This project is using:

  • Python
  • Langchain for text preparation, summarization and openai api handling
  • Openai for using their api
  • Flask for Rest API decorators & serving requests
  • Gunicorn for scaling & multi-threads serving
  • SQLAlchemy + Postgresql for ORM/CRUD
All environment variables
OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-**** # your api key here
OPENAI_MODEL_NAME=gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 # gpt-4-turbo-preview
POSTGRESQL_URL=postgresql://user:password@host:port/db # ?sslmode=require for production
For development:

To run it, do the following:

  • copy .env.example into .env and fill env variables
  • pipenv shell <-- redo this on .env file changes
  • pipenv install
  • ./
  • restart ./ on code change to apply changes
For production:

To test production build, run this from the main project folder where Pipfile is located:

  • docker build . --tag
  • docker run --name appinio_backend --env-file .env --rm -it -p 5000:5000
Testing server
# Remove "| jq" part at the end, if you don't have "jq" utility
# To create summary
curl -sS -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"content\":\"Perform summary on this text.\"}" | jq
# To get created summary
curl -sS -X GET | jq
For deployment:
docker login -u="${DOCKER_USERNAME}" -p="${DOCKER_PASSWORD}"
docker push
  • Integrate map reduce summarization technique
  • Integrate refine summarization technique
  • Integrate LLamaIndex for tree summarization and others built-in methods
  • Implement summarization evaluation for metrics, to see improvements changes
  • Improve LLM summarization with GPT-4, different techniques, like Chain of Thought, Tree of Thoughts, Graph of Thoughts.
  • Fine-tune LLM for a specific areas, implement semantical router for MoE (Mixture of Experts), to route specific domain requests to a fine-tuned expert LLM
  • Tune Prompts and LLM settings
  • Integrate RAG with indexed openly available marketing material and best practices
  • Integrate Graph Knowledge with Neo4j database to boost RAG feature, based on openly available marketing relationships and historical data
  • Authentication & Authorization via signed JWT and its claims, use RBAC if required
  • OpenAPI specification definition & integration with Flask
  • Docs generation based on OpenAPI spec
  • Docs hosting/serving with testing calls
  • Kubernetes cluster deployment & configuration
  • Helm chart for Kubernetes deployment, using above docker image
  • L7 Load Balancer and service/ingress configuration to work with backend docker image
  • Git repository && CI/CD configuration for building & deployment into kubernetes
  • Kafka cluster deployment & integration for improved generation & load handling with queues
  • Websockets for LLM generation delivery in live mode or when it's finished if queued in Kafka
  • LLM generation streaming via Websockets
  • DB cluster for scaling