Self Using Notes of tricks, techniques and paper.

Self Using Note


Some Useful Niubi tricks, repositories and paper. Just use Ctrl+F and input key words to search what you what. Strikethrough means I have not gone through yet.

General Structure

Attention is all you need: Masterpiece of transformer and attention. Everybody should read it.

Non local network: Similar with transformer. Sequence processing block with attention. From RBG and Kaiming.

Feature Denoising for Improving Adversarial Robustness: Non local mean and denoising residual block for preventing adversarial sample attack.

Bilinear pooling: Outer multiply two features. A sample code for bilinear pooling is here and here and here.

Bilinear pooling in application

High Resolution Net(HRNet): UNet with convolution in skip connection.

DANet: Dual self attention module, great example of pytorch sync-batch-norm and attention module.

XceptionNet: Reverse seperable convolution without activation.

Independent Components Layer: Combination of batch normalization and dropout layer.

Adaptive Batch Normalization: Related paper AdaIN

Networks Architecture Searching

Auto deeplab


Uncertainty bounding box

Face Recognition

Deep Comparator Network

SBR landmark detector: An Unsupervised Approach to Improve the Precision of Facial Landmark Detectors. Github

Towards Interpretable Face Recognition

Occlusion Robust Face Recognition Based on Mask Learning with Pairwise Differential Siamese Network

Image Synthesis

Few shot unsupervised image2image: Content module and style module.

Pix2PixHD: Segmentation to image: Enhancer structure.

Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization(SPADE): Used in GauGAN, segmentation to image.

SinGAN: Using multiscale patch generator to learn the distribution of target nature image.(ICCV19 Best Paper)

AdaIN: Adaptive instance normalization using in style transfer. Related paper AdaBN

Domain Intersection and Domain Difference

styleGAN: Really impressive with interesting structure. Eight FCs as guidance. Repo is here.

styleGAN2: Handle with naughty artifacts in styleGAN. Repo is here.

Large scale GAN training for high fidelity image synthesis

Face swapping: from beginner to give-up

Face Swapping GAN(FSGAN): Subject agnostic face swapping and reenactiment model.

Face swapping GAN: Introducing self attention, Kalman Filter.

Few-shot Realistic Neural Talking Head Models: Few-shot talking face sequences generator as one of the baselines of face swapping.

Few-shot face swapping GAN: Introducing AdaIN, SPADE.

Deep face lab: deep cyka blyat learning! Deep fake tools.

Expression transfer network: Which is basically one of my original ideas and someone just realised it. Research is struggle.

Everybody's talkin, 3D talking head generation: Very impressive paper for talking head generation from Sensetime, CASIA, NTU and NVIDIA. It combines with NLP and GAN to generate corresponding landmark from voice data.

Few-shot talking head generation: A not-so-impressive few-shot paper for talking head generation from samsung. And NEVER TRY THIS REPO which is totally rubbish!

Face shifter: Cope with occlusion problem in face swapping. Really beautiful demo. From MSRA.

Face anti-spoofing and face forensics

Improving Face Anti-Spoofing by 3D Virtual Synthesis

Static and Dynamic Fusion for Multi-modal Cross-ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing: There is a video feature extraction method in 3.1.SD-Net for Single-model. No idea whether it works or not.

Noise modeling in anti-spoofing

Central Difference Convolutional Networks: Introducing a new convolution structure by subtract central responce to improve feature robustness. And a new networks based on NAS and CDC. Need to check if this can be a universal structure.

Fusion for Multi-modal feature: Includs an intersting video fusion approach and taking advantage of multi-modal feature.

DFDC dataset

Celeb-DF dataset

FaceForensics++ dataset

FaceForensics dataset

A deepfake detection repository

Face X-ray: Detect forgery depending on blending patterns, SOTA approach of deepfake detection.

DSP-FWA: The improved version is available here

Video general noise feature (PRNU) and steganalysis

Get rich feature from SRM filter: Inspired by Rich Models steganalysis to detect photoshop modification.

Yedroudj-Net for steganalysis

Sensor pattern noise identification

Color-Decoupled Photo Response Non-Uniformity

BOSS dataset for steganalysis

rPPG or related biology pattern (Warning: 玄学)

rPPG: Recommended by ZK.W

Another rPPG: Not really novel.

A repo of rPPG


Active Appearance Model

Thin Plate Spline Interpolation

3D morphable model: from beginner to give-up

Basel Model 09: Standard face 3DMM.

Basel Model 17: Standard face 3DMM. Optimize facial expression.

Gaussian morphable model: Introduction of Gaussian 3DMM.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Automated Face Image Analysis

DF2Net: Deep learning approach single image 3DMM generator.

Deep 3D face reconstruction: Code available here

3D face alignment: 3dmm data and code.

Python 3dmm tools

Another deep 3D face reconstruction: Code available here

Video Generation

MoCoGAN: Video generation and enhancement

Low Level Vision

Deep Image Prior: VGG will have better result using in perceptual loss compared with ResNet.

Loss Function

Triple consistency loss for pairing distributions in GAN-based face synthesis: Combination of long path loss and short cut loss.

Give wrong labeled pixel penalty: lossfunction(out,gt,reduction=None)*|Sig(out)-gt|

Hinge loss: loss=max(0,1-gt*out)

Explainability and Interpretability

Explaining Explanations: An Overview of Interpretability of Machine Learning