
Carb Manager Dev Assignment

Primary LanguageVue

Carb Manager Dev Assignment




20% opacity white fill when hovering over the card.

Figma Link:


Assignment Requirements:


  • Translate the design as closely as possible to custom CSS. We've also provided hover styles for you to replicate.
  • Use SVG's for the custom icons. These can be grabbed from the Figma file.
  • Make sure the Recipe title gets truncated after 2 lines
  • The star ratings should be able to work with half-stars.
  • If a recipe duration is longer than 60 minutes, the format should be x hr x min
  • Add an energy-units prop which will take either calories (default) or kilojoules. This will determine which energy value/unit to display. 1 calorie = 4.184 kJ. The number value passed in as a prop will always represent calories, so if kilojoules is selected, a conversion needs to take place.


  • The whole card will be clickable. Make sure that the event is working properly. You should see a "clicked" message in the Storybook "actions" tab when clicking on the component.
  • Because the whole card is clickable, the "heart" icon in the top right won't be interactive. Instead, it should be empty or filled in depending on a certain prop value.


Create a Storybook story to view the component in isolation and to be able to interact with all available props.

There is a PremiumRecipeCard.stories.js placeholder file that you can use to get started. Take a look at the addon-knobs documentation to help you get started if you are unfamiliar with Storybook.


There is a PremiumRecipeCard.spec.js file which you can use to write some tests. These tests are completely up to you. Try to come up with some useful test cases.

Hint: The calorie -> kilojoules conversion will be a good test case to make sure the conversion is working properly.

Other Notes

  • Fork this repo to get started. Please don't create everything with just one commit. We would love to see how you structure your commits.
  • Don't feel like you have to stay within the placeholder files. If you want to create some helper/utility functions, go ahead and create the appropriate file/folders for that.
  • If you see any elements inside of this Recipe Card design that could be useful to re-use in other areas, feel free to split them out into their own sub components. Don't overengineer it by breaking every single element out, but there might be some that would be better off as small, re-usable components.
  • If you do decide to create sub components, bonus points for creating their own stories & tests :)
  • Macro dots
    • Red: Carbs
    • Blue: Protein
    • Yellow: Fats
  • If you are unclear about something or want to run something by me, please feel free to shoot me an email.


Keep in mind that there may be other variations of the Recipe Card design. Take a look at this Recipe of the Day card design:

Don't build out this component (unless you have extra time), but please explain how you would build out this <RecipeOfTheDay> component with maximum code re-use from the <PremiumRecipeCard>, as they mostly share the same data props with just a tweaked design.

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Run Storybook

yarn storybook

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit