
A simple CLI script to find source maps in a HAR dump and download them.

Primary LanguageDart

Source Maps Dumper

A simple CLI script to find source maps in a HAR dump and download them.


./source_maps_dumper path/to/file.har /dest --save-all --ignore-errors
  1. Positional parameter: path to HAR dump.
  2. Positional parameter: destination folder. Will be created, if doesn't exist.
  • --save-all: Extract all files, even if they don't have source maps.
  • --ignore-errors: Download source maps even if response code is not 200 OK.
  • --assume-url: Assume that source map URLs are <url>.map files if not specified.

To run from .dart file:

  • Clone this repo
  • dart run source_maps_dumper <args>

Or you can get an executable from Releases page.

Create a HAR dump in Chrome

Chrome DevTools > Network Tab > "Export HAR..." button Export UI