
ELCalyzer displays several most frequently searched info from various log files collected by ESET Log Collector (ELC).

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


ESETLogCollector "analyzer"


Main idea behind this is:

  • When solving issues with ESET's program, I need to frequently check same data over and over again..
  • ..mainly I never write data down so I have to take a look or twenty back into log files
  • there is like zillion log files and I never remember which file holds the data I need at the moment

Thus - ELCalyzer. ELCalyzer displays several most frequently searched info from various log files collected by ESET Log Collector (ELC).


  • Tested with Powershell 7 on Windows (some features will work on v.5)
  • Powershell 7 installation
  • ELC.EXE in path or folder. Can be downloaded with parameter "-DownloadELC" or manually
  • Run as administrator (for conversion)


  • Download and run ELC ESETLogCollector
  • Unpack logs to a temporary folder ("C:\Temp\ELC")
  • Run PWSH and change directory to "C:\Temp\ELC" ("metadata.txt" and "info.xml" must be in that folder)
  • Run script: .\ELCalyzer.ps1 -Everything
  • or .\ELCalyzer.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Everything

Command-line parameters

Default: none


Get-Help ELCalyzer.ps1 -full


Command (line parameter) What does it do
.\ELCalyzer.ps1 -LicInfo displays license info (PLID, SeatID)
.\ELCalyzer.ps1 -Convert -ThreatsInfo convert DAT to XML, EVTX to CSV and then display last 5 threats
pwsh -file elcalyzer.ps1 -all >redirect.txt redirect output to a file
pwsh -file elcalyzer.ps1 -all | clip (Windows) redirect output to a clipboard


Output screen


ToDo - Priority: High

  • Create more detailed help pages for every function

ToDo - Priority: Middle

  • "-EnumerateFiles" ... Enumerate ELC's log files and check if everything was collected

Priority: Low

  • Implement SomWare's ARSE(tm) (ARtificial Stupidity Engine) to suggest a solution based on info found in logs