
A Light-Weight, Fast, Flexible Command framework for JDA written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

JDAK - JDA Command Framework in Kotlin

A Light-Weight, Fast, Flexible, Functional Programming Command framework for JDA written in Kotlin

  • High performance
  • Support all Application Commands
  • Auto complete, Middlewares and more!
  • Functional Programming style





implementation 'io.github.sonmoosans:jdak:1.2.0'

Getting Started

val jda = JDABuilder.createDefault(System.getenv("TOKEN"))

JDAK.global(jda) {
    //put your global commands here

JDAK.guilds(jda, guilds) { 
    //put your guild-only commands here

Creating a Slash command

slashcommand("hello", "Say hello") {
    val text = string("text", "text to send")
    val size = int("size", "Size of text").optional()
    //handle interaction events
    onEvent {
        event.reply("${text.value} in size of ${size.value}").queue()

Creating a Context command

usercommand("Test") {
    it.reply("Hello World").queue()

messagecommand("Test") {
    it.reply("Hello World").queue()

Nested Slash commands

For more information, read Discord's documentation

//root command
slashcommand("test", "debug commands") {
    //subcommand group
    group("beta", "Beta features") {
        subcommand("kill", "Kill someone") {
            val user = user("user", "The selected user")
            onEvent {
                event.reply("Killed ${user.value.asMention}").queue()

Auto Complete

We have built-in support for auto-complete which allows you to setup auto-complete in few lines of code

slashcommand("hello", "Say hello") {
    val text = string("text", "text to send")
        .autoComplete {
                "Hello" to "World",
                "Money" to "Shark"

    onEvent {


We support localizations for all Application commands

messagecommand("Test", mapOf(DiscordLocale.CHINESE_TAIWAN to "測試")) {
    it.reply("Hello World").queue()

slashcommand("test", "debug commands") {
    nameLocale = mapOf(
        DiscordLocale.CHINESE_TAIWAN to "測試"

    onEvent {
        event.reply("Killed ${target.value.asMention}").queue()


Middleware can be used to check for permissions when the user uses specified commands
It allows you to control the event handler for each command

//Check if the bot has admin permissions
middleware({ event, next ->
    val member = event.member

    if (member == null) {
        println("Outside of guild")
    } else if (member.permissions.contains(Permission.ADMINISTRATOR)) {
        println("Are you admin!")
    } else {
        println("Ignore event: Missing permissions")


    next() //call the next handler
}) {


JDAK also supports to set guildOnly and permissions options

    guildOnly = true,
    permissions = DefaultMemberPermissions.enabledFor(Permission.ADMINISTRATOR)
) {
    it.reply("Hello World").queue()

slashcommand("test", "debug commands") {
    guildOnly = true
    permissions = DefaultMemberPermissions.enabledFor(Permission.ADMINISTRATOR)
    val target = user("target", "The target to kill")
    onEvent {
        event.reply("Killed ${target.value.asMention}")


We only support Application commands, text commands are not supported