
This application has been prepared by me for the purpose of interacting with Namada Blockchain.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Hello im Sasha. This application has been prepared by me for the purpose of interacting with Namada Blockchain.

Sasha Namada APP

This is an open-source web application that interacts with the Namada blockchain. It provides various features such as Faucet, retrieving bonded stake validators, finding a validator, getting validator state, checking balance, and showing the last block,P2E Game.


  • Submit a faucet
  • Retrieve bonded stake validators.
  • Find a validator by address.
  • Get the state of a validator.
  • Check the balance of a wallet address.
  • Show information about the last block.
  • (New feature) Namada's First ever P2E game added. -SNAKE-

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:


Before using this application, ensure that you have the following requirements:

  1. Namada Full Node:

    This application interacts with the Namada blockchain. Make sure you have a running Namada full node. If you don't have it installed, you can follow the official Namadac installation instructions on the https://docs.namada.net/operators/ledger/running-a-full-node

  2. Dependencies Express.js Body-parser Child_process jQuery

Once your Namadac full node is up and running, configure the application to connect to your node.

  1. Open the index.js change YourWalletAllias with your own wallet adress and change --memo yourpublickey command = namadac transfer --source YourWalletAllias --target ${targetAddress} --token naan --amount 0.00001 --memo Yourpublickey --node http://namadasasharpc.xyz/;
  2. go /public/index2.html change that= const serverURL = 'yourservesurl';

run this command in the project directory "node index.js" run this command to allow your terminal run this app with port 3000 "sudo ufw allow 3000" Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 or if you are running your teminal locally use its local ip like

Contributing Feel free to contribute to the development of this application by opening issues or submitting pull requests.

Live url https://namadasasharpc.xyz/app

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.