What is this repository about? There are several python notebooks and codes which are part of this folder. These are just some simple practice problems attempted by me including linear regression, logistic regression, and EDA on some datasets. The codes dont follow best practices (are not commented properly, have hard coded variables everywhere etc.). Apologies, it is messy.
For running the code, you may follow the below steps:
Run VSCode (or any other code editor) from Anaconda Command Prompt
Make sure you are using a dedicated virtual environment and activate it, sample - '''code conda create -n myenv python=3.7.3 '''
Install or upgrade all packages from requirements.txt conda install --file requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt You may need to add the full path of requirements.txt file depending on your pwd
You would have to change all data paths accordingly.
Important links:
- Conda environment - https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html
- https://wiki.epfl.ch/help-git-en/how-can-i-import-an-existing-folder-into-my-repository
- Bank Defaulter Prediction contains Bank_Term.ipynb which implements logistic regression
- Hospital Profiling contains two notebooks which does EDA of hospital data (Data unavailable)
- Spam Identification contains Email_Spam.ipynb which focuses on EDA of email data
- House Prices module contains Predicting_house_prices.ipynb which implents linear regression