-Create react app -Configured Tailwind -Header -Routing of App -Login in form -Sign up form -Form Validation -useRef Hook -Firebase setup -Deploying our app to production -Create sign up account -Implement Sign in User Api -Created Redux store with userSlice -Implemented sign out -Upadate profile -Bug Fix:Sign up user displayName and profile picture update -Bug Fix:If the user is not logged in redirect/browse to login page and vice-versa -Unsubscribed to the onAuthStateChanged callback -Add hardcoded values to the constants file -Register TMDB api & create an app & get access token -Get data from TMDB now playing movie list api -Custom Hook for Now playing movies -Create movieSlice -Update store with movie data -Planning for Main & Secondary container -Fetch data for Trailer Video -Update store with Trailer Video data -Embedded the youtube video and make it autoplay and mute -Tailwind Classes to make Main container look awesome -Build secondary component -Build Movie list component -Build Movie card component -TMDB Image CDN URL -Made browse page amazing with tailwind css -useNowPlaying movie hook -usePopular movie hook -useTopRated movie hook -useUpcoming movie hook -GPT search Page -GPT search bar -Multi-language feature in the App -Get Open AI Api Key -Gpt Search API Call -fetched gptMoviesSuggestions from TMDB -created gptSlice added data -Resused Movie List component to make movie suggestion container -Memoization -Added .env file -Adding .env file to gitignore -Made our Site Responsive
1)Login/Signup a)Sign in/Sign up form b) Redirect to browse page
2)Browser(After Authentication) a)Header b)Main movie -Tailer in background -Title & description -Movie Sugguestions: Movie Lists*N
3)Netflix GPT a)Search bar b)Movie sugguestion
Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/netflixgpt-f427b/overview Hosting URL: https://netflixgpt-f427b.web.app