
Battleships robot Java template

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Battleship server is online on http://battle.codes/

This is a very stupid battleship robot. It will always place ships the same place and shoot random at the enemy.

Battleship game


The boards are 12 x 12 squares

In planning mode the player needs to place 6 ships.

  • 1 ship with length of 2 squares.
  • 2 ships with length of 3 squares.
  • 2 ships with length of 4 squares.
  • 1 ship with length of 5 squares.

In playing mode, each player shoots at the enemy (the other player) board. When shooting at the enemy, one of three things might happen.

  1. Splash - You missed an enemy ship.
  2. Pang! - You hit an enemy ship.
  3. Sunk! - You hit and sink an enemy ship

The player that sinks all the enemy ships first, wins the game.

How to test your robot

  1. Log into battle.codes
  2. When logged in, you get a Json Web Token (jwt)
  3. Run the battleship robot with the jwt as Program Argument.
  4. Go back to the page with you jwt and refresh (F5) it. Now a test button should appear.
  5. Click button.

WebSockets API.

Set ship

    "class": "game.messages.SetShipMessage",
    "ship": {
        "coordinates": [
            {"x": 1, "y": 2},
            {"x": 2, "y": 2}

When the game is started, the client gets the following message from the server:


When it is you turn, your robot will get the following message { "class":"game.messages.ItsYourTurnMessage" }

When it is your turn, you can shoot at the enemy

    "class": "game.messages.ShootMessage",
    "coordinate": {
        "x": 4,
        "y": 8

When you have shot at the enemy board, your robot gets one of the following result messages:






When the game is over, the players get the following message

    "andTheWinnerIs":"Lars Aaberg"

Search and destroy!