Code and data associated with the paper The Effectiveness of Masked Language Modeling and Adapters for Factual Knowledge Injection, for TextGraphs-16 at COLING2022.
See the README at the data folder.
The first step of the experiment is to train the adapters on a subgraph of ConceptNet. In
, specify the PLM you want to use as the base language model together with the hyperparameters for the adaper and a path to the extracted data file. After the training completes, you will have a pytorch model file that contains the PLM with the additional adapter weights. See the argparse options in
for all options.
In order to evaluate the adapter-injected models on the LAMA probe, specify a path to the injected model in and set the --use_adapter
flag. You can specify what predicate types you want to limit the probe to.
networkx - 2.5
adapter-transformers - 2.2.0
transformers - 4.3.3
pytorch - 1.7.1
python - 3.7.7