
Repository for the paper "The Effectiveness of Masked Language Modeling and Adapters for Factual Knowledge Injection"

Primary LanguagePython

Adapter Injection and MLM

Code and data associated with the paper The Effectiveness of Masked Language Modeling and Adapters for Factual Knowledge Injection, for TextGraphs-16 at COLING2022.

Data processing

See the README at the data folder.

Adapter training

The first step of the experiment is to train the adapters on a subgraph of ConceptNet. In run_mlm.sh, specify the PLM you want to use as the base language model together with the hyperparameters for the adaper and a path to the extracted data file. After the training completes, you will have a pytorch model file that contains the PLM with the additional adapter weights. See the argparse options in run_mlm.py for all options.


In order to evaluate the adapter-injected models on the LAMA probe, specify a path to the injected model in run_lama_probe.sh and set the --use_adapter flag. You can specify what predicate types you want to limit the probe to.


networkx             - 2.5
adapter-transformers - 2.2.0
transformers         - 4.3.3
pytorch              - 1.7.1
python               - 3.7.7