
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Telegram bot

Primary LanguagePython

TV Show Telegram Bot

This creates a TV Show script database(sqlite) with timestamps using .srt files. If you order your .srt files by episode number subtitle_to_database.py will create a 2-table relational database for you. The name of the .srt files will be inserted into episode_id table.

Then you can create your own Telegram bot using this database. All telegram bot source code is in the /telegram folder. Don't forget to create your own telegram bot token via BotFather

You can also use the English .srt database created for my favorite show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

When a user types /line [Line from the show] the bot will find that line in the show and it will return with season, episode number, episode name, exact time from the discussion and a url to stream that particular episode.

If you woud like to use sqlite FTS5 features such as full-text search use the lines virtual table. Otherwise you can use the subtitle table.

You are all set after you add your token here.

Required Packages

For SQlite FTS5 features:
pip install peewee


python telegram/server.py

Command List:

/line - Enter a line from the show to find the episode.
Usage: /line your line

/episodes - Get the list of episodes from a season.
Usage: /episodes season_number

/random - Get a random episode from the show.
Usage: /random

/sunny_help - Returns the command list

/trivia - Returns a trivia about the show

Extra Features:

  • If you add the bot to a group it will welcome the newcomer with an ocular pat down
  • If a user leaves the group it will send this gif both to the group and the user.
  • Logs bot interactions only if it starts with / character.

Possible Features:

  • start_time and end_time can be used to cut a wanted video scene from the episode then can be converted to gif and showed on Telegram.

If you are ready to go live, check-out where to host Telegram bots. Please feel free to change and use it in any way you would like to!