
Article about deploying machine learning models using grpc, pytorch and asyncio

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started

Let's start by setup our environment using virtual env

Tested with python 3.9

`` conda create -n grpc python=3.9 source ~/opt/anaconda3/bin/activate grpc pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, let's install all the required packages, `grpcio`, `grpcio-tools`, `torch`, `torchvision` and `Pillow`

pip install grpcio grpcio-tools torch torchvision Pillow==9.3.0

All set!
## Server

The next step is to create the actual gRPC server. First, we describe the message and the service in the `.proto` file.

A list of all types of messages can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/grpc-for-wcf-developers/protocol-buffers) and the official python tutorial for gRPC [here](https://grpc.io/docs/languages/python/basics/)

### Proto

We will start by defining our `inference + Merkle tree service` service

// infer_merkle.proto

syntax = "proto3";

service InferMerkle {
  // Sends a inference reply
  rpc inference (InferenceRequest) returns (InferenceReply) {}
  rpc build_mt(MT_Request) returns (MT_Response);

### Build the server and client

Now, we need to generate the client and server code using `grpcio-tools` (we install it at the beginning).

cd src && python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I . --python_out=. --pyi_out=. --grpc_python_out=. infer_merkle.proto

This will generate the following files

└── src
    ├── infer_merkle_pb2_grpc.py
    ├── infer_merkle_pb2.py
    ├── infer_merkle_pb2.pyi
  • infer_merkle_pb2_grpc contains our gRPC's server definition
  • infer_merkle_pb2 contains our gRPC's messages definition
  • infer_merkle_pb2 contains our gRPC's messages types definition

We now have to code our service,

# server.py
# we will use asyncio to run our service
import asyncio
# from the generated grpc server definition, import the required stuff
from infer_merkle_pb2_grpc import InferMerkleServicer, add_InferMerkleServicer_to_server
# import the requests and reply types
from infer_merkle_pb2 import InferenceRequest, InferenceReply
from infer_merkle_pb2 import MT_Response, MT_Request

To create the gRPC server we need to import InferMerkleServicer and add_InferMerkleServicer_to_server from the generated infer_merkle_pb2_grpc. Our logic will go inside a subclass of InferMerkleServicer in the inference function, the one we defined in the .proto file.

# server.py
class InferMerkleService(InferMerkleServicer):
    def open_image(self, image: bytes) -> Image.Image:
        image = Image.open(BytesIO(image))
        return image

    async def inference(self, request: InferenceRequest, context) -> InferenceReply:
        logging.info(f"[🦾] Received request")
        start = perf_counter()
        images = list(map(self.open_image, request.image))
        preds = inference(images)
        logging.info(f"[✅] Done in {(perf_counter() - start) * 1000:.2f}ms")
        return InferenceReply(pred=preds)

Notice we subclass InferMerkleService, we add our logic inside inference and we label it as an async function, this is because we will lunch our service using asyncio.

We now need to tell gRPC how to start our service.

# server.py
from infer_merkle_pb2_grpc import InferMerkleServicer, add_InferMerkleServicer_to_server

import logging


async def serve():
    server = grpc.aio.server()
    add_InferMerkleServicer_to_server(InferMerkleService(), server)
    # using ip v6
    adddress = "[::]:50052"
    logging.info(f"[📡] Starting server on {adddress}")
    await server.start()
    await server.wait_for_termination()

Line by line, we create a grpc asyncio server using grpc.aio.server(), we add our service by passing it to add_InferMerkleServicer_to_server then we listed on a custom port using ipv6 by calling the .add_insecure_port method and finally we await the .start server method


# server.py
if __name__ == "__main__":

If you know run the file

python src/server.py

You'll see

INFO:root:[📡] Starting server on [::]:50052

Sweet 🎉! We have our gRPC running with asyncio. We now need to define our client.


Creating a client is straightforward, similar to before we need the definitions that were generated in the previous step.

let's run it!

python src/infer_client.py
python src/mt_client.py

uvicorn app:app --reload