We retraine the YOLO-series detection framework on the ego-object dataset in order to obtain a more complete egocentric perspective visual tool chain.

Primary LanguagePython


We retrain the YOLO-series detection framework on the ego-object dataset in order to obtain a more complete egocentric perspective visual tool chain. The backbone for the detecor is from YOLOv5. The ego-object dataset is from the : https://ai.meta.com/datasets/egoobjects-downloads/. In this work, we do not set the object classification branch in YOLO, only the foreground (object) and background were classified.

  1. We freeze the Classify Decoder and set the classification-head into a binary class structure – front ground and back ground.
  2. We involve the COCO pretrained backbone and finetune on the Ego-Object Datasets
  3. Reset all the data into a COCO format from detron2 format.

How to use it

  1. Download the pretrained YOLO: The pretrained model is putted in: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j6z27hA8vNA_oCB8aZcYrNG2JDFEJrlu?usp=drive_link , please download the pretrained model (last.pt or best.pt).

  2. Install the package: pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Run with: python detect.py --weights best.pt --source $Your Image$

Some Experimental results

Here is the mAP-50 results without pretrained YOLOv5 and pretrained YOLOv5: image

We show the val-set comparison results in below:

The pretrained results: image image

The origin YOLO results: image image

Then, we show the real-world (real headset videos) comparison results in below:

The pretrained results:


The origin YOLO results: image