
In this project, I used Identity, IUnitofWork, Service , MVC, Components, Repository , Rolemangament, Authorization Process, ClaimPrinciple , Rest-API

Primary LanguageC#

CMS_ContentManagementSystem Project

What is Unit of Work ?

Unit of Work is referred to as a single transaction that involves multiple operations of insert/update/delete and so on kinds. To say it in simple words, it means that for a specific user action (say registration on a website), all the transactions like insert/update/delete and so on are done in one single transaction, rather then doing multiple database transactions. This means, one unit of work here involves insert/update/delete operations, all in one single transaction.


What is Authorization ?

What is ClaimPrinciple?

What is RoleManangement?

What is Session ?

What is FluenValidation?

What is Autofac?

What is Rest-Api?