
Parajuniper project: Covid-19 Reporting Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Parajuniper Project: COVID-19 Reporting Tool

This is the repository for Parajuniper Project 4 which requires that we convert an XML-based COVID-19 CDC reporting form to JSON, render it in a UI, and submit it as a FHIR message to an existing FHIR Server.

Meeting Minutes and Development Plan

You can find the meeting minutes for all of our meetings in the meeting_minutes folder. Additionally, you can find our development plan and tech stack discussion in A1.md in the parent directory.

You can also find a description of our features with subtasks in A2.md in the parent directory.

You can find a final overview of our project and our postmortem in A3.md in the parent directory.

Installing the Development Environment

If you are running Ubuntu, run the following command to install the development environment:


If you are running macOS, run the following command to install the development environment:


Docker will open. Accept the terms and conditions and close the application.


Run the following command to build the application:


Go to http://localhost:3000 in the host machine to view the application.


Run the following command to test the application:


Make sure the container from the build above is still running when you run this script.

Best Practices for Development

  • Before working on a task, pull the latest updates from the develop branch
  • To work on a task, create a branch off of develop and do all your work in that branch
  • When you are completed your task and ready to merge it into develop, create a pull request and request review from everybody in the group
  • Once the pull request has gotten at least one approval, you can squash and merge it into the develop branch
  • The main branch should only be updated with the develop branch when enough work has been done in the develop branch to warrant a new release