
A Mima Simulator written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A Mima Simulator written in C with a command line interface and a web frontend based on javascript and webassembly. The MiMa (aka Mininal Machine) is a academic, simple and minimalistic microprocessor model/didactic tool to teach basic cpu architecture (Von-Neumann architecture). It is used at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.




$mkdir build
$cd build
$cmake ../


$./MimaSim fibonacci.asm

Build for Web

You do not need to build for web by your own. If you just want to play around, go to bnlrnz.de, https://ifiweb.informatik.tu-freiberg.de/mima/ or use the precompiled files under web/.

You need emscripten (https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html) to build for web/webasm.

$make web

Access index.html under web/.

Mima Shell

While running the mima interactively (mima_run()'s second parameter must be mima_true to access mima shell), one can type the following commands:

s [#].........runs # micro instructions 
s.............equals s 1
S [#].........runs # instructions 
S.............equals S 1 or ends current instruction
m addr [#]....prints # lines of memory at address
m addr........prints 10 lines of memory at address
m.............prints 10 lines of memory at IAR
i [addr]......sets the IAR to address
i.............sets the IAR to zero
r.............runs program till end or breakpoint
p.............prints mima state
L [LOG_LEVEL].sets the log level
L.............prints current and available log level
l.............prints the source file
b addr........sets or toggles breakpoint at address
b.............lists all breakpoints and their state
q.............quits mima
-ENTER-.......repeats last command

Mima Assembler Instructions

Mnemonic Opcode Pseudo code Description
ADD a 0x0 ACC ← ACC + mem[a] Add value at address a to Accumulator
AND a 0x1 ACC ← ACC & mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise AND
OR a 0x2 ACC ← ACC | mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise OR
XOR a 0x3 ACC ← ACC ^ mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise XOR
LDV a 0x4 ACC ← mem[a] Load value at address a into Accumulator
STV a 0x5 mem[a] ← ACC Store value in Accumulator at address a
LDC v 0x6 ACC ← v Load value v into Accumulator
JMP a 0x7 IAR ← a Continue program execution at address a
JMN a 0x8 IAR ← (ACC < 0) ? a : ++IAR Continue program execution at address a if value in Accumulator is negative
EQL a 0x9 ACC ← (ACC == mem[a]) ? -1 : 0 Set Accumulator to -1 if value in Accumulator is equal to value at address a, 0 otherwise
RRN v 0xa ACC ← (ACC << (32-v)) | (ACC >>> v) Rotate value in Accumulator right by v bits
HLT 0xf0 Halt Stop program execution
NOT 0xf1 ACC ← ~ACC Negate value in Accumulator
RAR 0xf2 ACC ← (ACC << 31) | (ACC >>> 1) Rotate value in Accumulator right by 1 bit

Mima Assembler Syntax

Mnemoic + Value/Address
  • always use mnemonics, op codes are not supported (yet)
  • values can be written hex (e.g. 0x1A4) or decimal
LDC   41
ADD   0xFF1
STV   0xFF1
0xFF1 0x1
Labels + Jumps
  • labels are case sensitive
  • it's not a good idea to jump to a self defined address, unless you know what you are doing
:Loop         // this is a label/jump target
LDV   0xAFFE  // some fancy calculation
JMP Loop      // will jump to label :Loop
  • breakpoints are set in source code by typing a upper case 'B' on a separate line or interactively in the mima shell
  • when in mima shell, breakpoints can be toggled on/off
LDV 0xF1
ADD 0xF2
STV 0xF1
Define storage
  • you can define the value at a specific memory address
  • the value can be a variable or an instruction
LDV   0xFF1
0xFF1 0x1   //puts a one at 0xFF1
Memory Mapped I/O

The mimas "general purpose" memory is defined from 0x0000 0000 - 0x0C00 0000. Addresses above 0x0C00 0000 are used for memory mapped I/O.

There are some defined addresses you can use to output information to the terminal:

  • 0x0c000001 single char input
  • 0x0c000002 integer input
  • 0x0c000003 single char output
  • 0x0c000004 integer output


LDV 0xC000001   // will ask for single char
LDV 0xC000002   // will ask for integer
LDC 42
STV 0xC000003   // will print a '*' to the terminal
LDC 0x40
STV 0xC000004   // will print a 64 to the terminal

You can register callback functions for I/O and a specific address. These callbacks should always set the TRA Bit to mima_false when finished.

void get_number(mima_t *mima, mima_register *value)
    printf("Type integer:");
    char number_string[32] = {0};
    char *endptr;
    fgets(number_string, 31, stdin);
    *value = strtol(number_string, &endptr, 0);
    mima->control_unit.TRA = mima_false;

void print_number(mima_t* mima, mima_register* value)
    printf("Fib: %d\n", *value);
    mima->control_unit.TRA = mima_false;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fileName = argv[1];
    mima_t mima = mima_init();

    mima_compile(&mima, fileName);

    mima_register_IO_LDV_callback(&mima, 0x0c000005, get_number);
    mima_register_IO_STV_callback(&mima, 0x0c000006, print_number);

    mima_run(&mima, mima_true);


    return 0;

Every lines first "word" that could not be identified as mnemonic, address, nor label, will be ignored. Therefore you can use something like "//" or "#" for comments in separate lines (or even after valid commands).


// this will be ignored
ADD 0x01 #you can also do that
STV 0x00 // and this

TODOs/Future Work

  • better debugging tools for web and command line
    • track specific memory address(es)
    • clickable breakpoints for web (click on line number)
    • visualization of control commands (bus, memory etc.)
    • correspondency mnemonic + memory while executing a program
  • change register values on the fly
  • variable/address naming (more abstraction useful?)
  • web UI redesign
  • user guide/documentation on web interface
  • mouse over infos for components in web interface/mima graphic