

Factorize as many numbers as possible into a product of two smaller numbers.

Usage: factors

where is a file containing natural numbers to factor.

One number per line

You can assume that all lines will be valid natural numbers greater than 1

You can assume that there will be no empy line, and no space before and after the valid number

The file will always end with a new line

Output format: n=p*q

one factorization per line

p and q don’t have to be prime numbers

See example

You can work on the numbers of the file in the order of your choice

Your program should run without any dependency: You will not be able to install anything on the machine we will run your program on

Time limit: Your program will be killed after 5 seconds if it hasn’t finish

Push all your scripts, source code, etc… to your repository

we will only run your executable factors


RSA Laboratories states that: for each RSA number n, there exist prime numbers p and q such that

n = p × q. The problem is to find these two primes, given only n.

This task is the same as task 0, except:

p and q are always prime numbers

There is only one number in the files

How far can you go in less than 5 seconds?